Fic: Packing, Chapter 6 (Numb3rs, David / Ian, Bobby)

Dec 17, 2009 13:33

Title: Packing, Chapter 6
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

NUMB3RS Main List
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

“That was just like back home.” Bobby announced from the door and walked into the cabin. “I haven’t had a chance to ski for a long time.”
David settled the last log on the fireplace and turned to look at the man covered by a well padded ski costume and a wool cap. He set fire on the bottom of the log formation and the fire quickly engulfed the woods.
“Where’s Ian?”
“Outside, he had some problem with his ski boots.” Bobby pulled the cap off and ruffled his sweaty hair. “I’ll go take a quick shower and change. Do you need help with the food?”
“No, I got it under control.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”

David waited till the blond had closed the bathroom door before he went to the front door. Ian was sitting on the bench next to the door fiddling with his ski boot.

“Having fun?”
“When my skis were working yeah. And I’ll never challenge that guy in skiing again, I almost broke some bones when I fell.”
“You fell?”
“Yeah, but no harm done.”
“I can see that, but… You just said you lost.”
“You lost in a sport to another guy, and you said it just like that.”
“Just like what?”
“Like it’s no big deal. That doesn’t even sound like you.”

“My shrink says I need to control my competitive streak.” Ian smirked. “And this time I was second best. So I’ll aim my aggression on my ski boots instead of trying to come up with excuses.”

“That’s impressive.”
“Not really. I had to go through my mental exercises three times to be able to congratulate him with a straight face. But I’m working on it.”
“I know.” David agreed. “And I appreciate it.”
“That`s good.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but…. These last three weeks you’ve been…. I don’t know how to say it so that wont come out wrong.”
“Say it.”
“I think I like this new and improved version of you than the one I first met.”

“I don’t want to loose what we got.” Ian stated. “I think….”

Ian paused. He looked like he was trying to work his way through a maze of thought. He put the boot down and sighed. “What happened to Sean should have been a wake up call. And I should have tried to get help a long time ago. Maybe things wouldn’t have gone the way they did.”

“It wasn’t that bad between us.”
“It wasn’t that good either. My shrink said I should just try to spend time with people without trying to put up the whole Sniper for the FBI image. You know what the problem is?”
“I’ve been doing that so long, I don’t know what there’s left now that I’m not the FBI sniper anymore.”

“Well….” David wasn’t sure how to react. “I don’t know who there is, but I’ve really liked his company lately.”

“He’s liked your company too.” Ian smiled.

“What about Bobby?”
“What about him?”
“You like his company too, don’t you?”
“Yeah, he’s okay.”
“More than that. You’ve spend time with us both, but you have fun with him without me too.”
“It’s…. I don’t know what it is.”
“I don’t mind.” David assured. “You two got a lot in common. You like sports, outdoor stuff. I like him, but so do you.”
“It’s not like it is with you.”
“I know. You suggested this for me. I think this has done some good for you too.”

“Probably.” Ian admitted. “When you’re travelling all the time people come and go. You get used to going from one place to the next and people get left behind. Maybe getting away from the job was a good thing after all.”


For a while they sat on the bench in silence. Then David got up and headed back inside.
“I’m getting cold. Let’s go inside, I got hot chocolate.”
“Hot chocolate?”
“Caroline had this phase some time ago, she wanted it ever night before going to bed. I got hooked.” “When was that?”
“When…” David hesitated for a moment but decided to tell the truth. “When you were in Boston.”

“I missed a lot.” Ian got up and followed him inside and to the small kitchen.

“Are you hungry?” David asked. “Food should be ready half an hour.”
“Does that mean no hot chocolate?” Ian smirked.

“Are you kidding? If I try to go a day without this stuff I’ll get withdrawal symptoms.” David filled two mugs and handed them over to Ian. “Take the other one to Bobby, I’ll start cooking the pasta.”
Ian took a sip off his own mug and headed to the living room. The fire was crackling in the fireplace and Bobby was sitting on a soft rug in front of it. He was staring into the flames, looking perfectly content.
“Hot chocolate?”
“Thanks.” He took the mug and gulped down half of it at once. “This is good.”

“I guess.” Ian sat next to him. “I haven’t drank this stuff since I was a kid.”

“I know what you mean, it kinda reminds me of winters back home . Me and my brothers had these skiing contests, we had a really steep hill close to our house. The one who made it all the way down without falling was the winner.” He laughed and gave Ian a playful glance. “I always lost.”

“But you catched up later.”
“Yeah. When we came back half frozen we changed into dry clothes and mom made hot chocolate. And yelled about leaving snowy clothes on the floor. By that time there was always a puddle on the floor from the snow.”

“Are you going to go back?”
“Back home? No.” Bobby buried his face behind the mug. “And don’t ask about it.”
“And just in case I don’t remember to say it later, this was probably one of best times I’ve had since I came to L.A.”
“So thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”

Ian hesitated for a moment. Finally he leaned closer and planted a soft, chocolate flavoured kiss on the man’s lips.

Chapter 7 

show: numb3rs, pair: david sinclair / ian edgerton, numb3rs / series: packing

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