Fic: Idols / Study Session (Criminal Minds, Reid / Morgan, Hotch, Sean)

Dec 12, 2009 18:33

Title: Idols
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan,
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Criminal Minds Main List

Morgan looked at the expressions on Reid’s face. He turned to look at the TV screen and then looked at Reid again.

“You’re staring again.”
“I’m not.”
“You are. Are you planning to burn my sweater vest again?”
“I’ve never burned your sweater vests-”
“Last August, the gril in the backyard-”
“That was an accident, I was taking them to your closet and I tripped. They just happened to land into the grill.”
“You were going from the laundry room to the bedroom and you decided to take a detour through the backyard? I’m not buying it.”
“Fine, I burned those things on purpose. I had no idea you actually buy those ugliest in bulks….”

“Keep going like that and I’ll wear one to bed.”
“You wouldn’t…. and I wasn’t thinking about it. I was wondering how bad your taste in men is.”
“Either you have developed an unusually high level of self criticism or you’re talking about my previous boyfriends.”
“No, I mean your movie-crush.”
“I don’t know what you mean.”

“You don’t? Let’s take a look at the evidence, shall we?” Morgan opened the lower cabinets of the bookshelf and pulled out a stack of DVDs. “Here that guy plays a murderous creep whose hands are replaced with scissors, here the same guy plays a drunken pirate-”

“He spent years in the high seas drinking rum and seawater, so leave Jack Sparrow out of this.”
“What about this?” Morgan pointed at the TV screen. “Same guy playing a homicidal barber who hooks up with a pie maker to sell human filled pies to the unsuspecting public? And they keep singing!”
“They keep singing because it’s a musical.”

“It’s creepy! The guy is playing a deranged murdered and your tongue is hanging out of your mouth.”
“I never say anything when you`re watching Desperate Housewifes, so show me the same courtesy.”
“I just watch it, I don’t drool.”
“Who do you think you`re fooling?”
“I may consider some of them attractive, but I can still handle myself.”

“Remember your reaction when I got you the box set for your birthday?”
“Pretty Boy….”
“And that scene where Bree was scrubbing her kitchen counter-”
“Please, stop….”
“Just admit it and I’ll stop.”
“Okay, I admit it. I may have a mild thing for uptight redheads.”
“I could analyse that so many ways…..”
“Don’t. There’s just something hot in that uptight attitude and obsessive cleanliness…. and when you take that attitude to bed and she demands the same discipline there….”

“Wait a sec…..”
“Morgan, you’re about to start drooling.”
“I’m not!”
“You just did. Leave my actor-crush alone or I’ll tell Garcia about your thing for over-botoxed redheads.”
“What makes you think she doesn’t know?”
“We’ve bonded over our joined interests.”
“You and my mama don’t have any joined interests. Except soaps.”
“And you.”
“You mean you two get together to compare notes about me?”
“No, sometimes we talk on the phone or send e-mails.”

“Do I need to start reading your e-mails again?”
“You’d never get in, Garcia took care of that.” Reid grinned. “Now can we continue the movie, or do I need to call and tell how you’re sabotaging a Johnny Depp movie? You know what she’s like when it comes to her idols….”
“I do know, and the idea is scary. Let the film roll.”


Title: Study Session
Pair: Sean Hotchner / Cain Christensen,
Aaron Hotchner / Chad Christensen
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Criminal Minds Main List

“Sorry, the highway was chaotic.” Hotch rushed into the kitchen carrying two full bags of groceries. “Is everything okay?”

“We’re great.” Sean marked the place in his paperback and lifted his eyes to meet Hotch`s. “Jack’s practising his karate thingies upstairs.”
“And you’re here?”
“Last time I offered to help him with that stuff I was black and clue for weeks.”
“I remember. I’m sorry I called you here on such a short notice, but Chad flew to Cleveland one day early and I couldn’t find anyone else.”

“That’s fine. We had lunch and then he started chopping bricks with his bare hands.”
“I was just checking that you’re listening. He’s been so quiet I managed to read twenty pages of my book.”
“What are you reading?”
“Pull out the Popsicles: Beginners guide to Oral Sex.”
Hotch froze. He swallowed deeply and shot a murderous glance at Sean.

“Tell me you didn’t read that in front of Jack.”
“He doesn’t know how to read yet!”
“But he can see the pictures! Especially that one on the cover!”
“Relax, that’s just a popsicle.”
“It is?”
“Yeah, didn’t the red colour give you a clue?”
“I just thought….. Never mind, forget I asked.”

“What did you think?”
“I said: Forget it.”
“So you don’t wanna borrow the book?”
“No, I got my own tutor. Why do you even read that?”
“I’m having a problem with my teeth. If I don’t do something about it I might cause some serious damage….”

“Sean, do you remember what I said about twenty seconds ago?”
“Never mind, forget I asked?”
“Yeah. Like I said: Forget I said anything.”

cm / one-off, show: criminal minds, pair: sean hotchner / cain christensen, pair: spencer reid / derek morgan

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