Fic: Christmas Eve, Chapter 3 (Numb3rs, Charlie / Colby, Don / Martin)

Dec 07, 2009 19:21

Title: Christmas Eve, Chapter 3
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord,
David Sinclair / Ian Edgerton
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

NUMB3RS Main List

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

“Wake up.” Don poked Martin in the ribs and waited. “Come on, wake up.”

“What time is it?”
“Five thirty.”
“We just came home eight hours ago.”
“Yeah, but it’s Christmas morning.” Don smirked. “And I heard you tinkering in the living room after I went to bed.”
“Don, we didn’t even get a tree. All the presents are under the Crassula Ovata.”
“Under the what?”
“The Jade Plant.”
“Why couldn’t you just say they’re under that green thing in the living room?”
“Because I’m not even fully awake. Aren’t you a little old to get so exited at Christmas morning?”

“Nope.” Don leaped of the bed and dived under the bad. He reappeared carrying a small paper bag. “I’ll leave my present there too and then we’ll open them.”
“I’m the morning person around here and even I don’t get up this early when I don’t have to.”
“I didn’t even sleep. Not really, I mean I slept these ten minute quickies.”

“Don….” Martin pulled himself up. “If I promise to get up, will you have the coffee ready when I come back from the shower?”
“And Don….”
“I know how this will go: You buzz around without enough sleep, and you’ll pass out on the couch before ten AM.”

“Probably, but this is the one time I’m up before you.”

Colby sighed deeply. “Isn’t that adorable?”

Charlie looked at Helen who was sitting on a blanket and hammered her new toy truck against the floor over and over again.
“She’s trying to break it.”
“I know, but she looks so happy. I knew we made the right decision when we said no to girlie toys.”
“Hey, I got her a doll!”
“That doesn’t count.”
“You’re keep brushing her hair and dressing her up in pink and you giggle baby talk, which by the way can be destructive to her speech formation. She’s gonna be a girly girl no matter how many toy trucks she destroys.”


“Okay, I’m here. Merry Christmas and where’s my coffee?” Martin walked into the living room wearing a fluffy white bathrobe.

“On the table and-” Don took one look at him and he had to look again. “Special occasion or what?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The glasses.”
“Didn’t feel like putting on contacts today. And don’t look so surprised, you’ve seen me with glasses before.”

“No, I’ve seen your glasses but never on you. Over two years and this is the first time I’ve actually seen you wearing them.”
“I don’t like wearing them, I always forget them somewhere and then I can’t find them.” Martin took a long sip from his coffee. “What?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re staring.”
“If we didn’t have presents waiting to be opened, I would so drag you back to bed.”
“Glasses get you hot?”
“Depends on who’s wearing them.”

“How bout you open your presents and I’ll drink my coffee? We can get back to that topic later.”


“You know…. This is one of life’s great pleasures….” Charlie took another bite from his turkey sandwich.

“Cold turkey?”
“Leftovers. We have enough of them for a week. It’s turkey, the best and cluckiest meat there is. Best part of Christmas.”
“I thought gifts were the highlight.” Colby commented and suggled closer to him on the couch.
“That too. Can’t wait to try those chocolate paints.”

“We’ve had them before, but we agreed to get each other something small and practical-”
“And that was great. You got me a gift basket from Yummy Studly and I got you some new suits for work. We’re both happy.” Charlie shrugged. “All and all this was very good Christmas.”

“I thought so too.” Colby agreed. “Not too much fuss.”
“Yeah, you did all the fussing, not that I don’t appreciate the effort. Christmas meals done, gift giving is done and now we can enjoy a meaty sandwitch on the couch.”

“This is like watching a little kid.” Martin commented. He had changed into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and was currently sipping his third cup of coffee.

“Your fault, you got me presents!” Don laughed and tore open the next parcel.
“I’m not complaining. It’s nice to see this side of you once a year.”
“Who were you talking to on the phone?”
“Bobby wanted thank me for his present. He was really happy about it.”
“What did you get for him?”
“A gift certificate to an auto repair shop.”
“Yeah. Have you seen his car? That thing is total piece of junk.”

“That’s it.” Don wiggled the book he had received from Charlie and Colby. “That was my last one.”

“No, I got some more.” Martin got up from the couch and pulled a small parcel from the closet. “That one’s a practical gift.”

Don pulled the paper off. Inside was a small box. He snapped it open and pulled the content out so he could see it better. It was an ellipse shaped silver keychain, with a Yin and Yang symbol engraved to it. In the middle of the Ying were the letters D.E. while the Yang side had letters M.F. A wide assortment of keys was hanging from the chain.

“How the hell did you get my keys?”
“When we came back last night, you were too drunk to notice.”
“This isn’t mine.” Don selected one of the keys.
“It is. It’s for the Conwell`s house.”
“We haven’t even signed to papers yet, how did you get a key?”
“I can be very convincing.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“We’re still signing the final papers after the holidays, but I got the keys in advance. They’re still emptying the place.”

“I….” Don tried to keep his face from turning into an awkward shade of red. “I got you a sweater.”

“Thanks, I’ll open it later.”
“It has reindeers on it.”
“I got one more gift too.” Martin opened the closet again and pulled out a large item.

“You got me a litter box?”
“Yeah. Wait here, I’ll be right back.” He walked out of the apartment and Don leaned back against the couch. Few minutes later he heard the sound of the door.

“Where did you go?”
“Bridgette from next door kept it at her place so you wouldn’t see it.” Martin came back with a small bundle of fluff nestled against his chest.
“You got me a cat?”
“I was going to get a full-grown cat, but when I went to the shelter this one just…. Well, I couldn’t walk past it.”
“You got me a kitten?”

“We agreed on a cat.” Martin shrugged. The black and white kitten nuzzled closer to his T-shirt and continued her nap. “I took one look at this and I couldn’t leave her there.”
“Her? It’s a girl?”
“Yeah. Kinda fitting way to end a year. New place and a new cat.”
“We didn’t have an old cat, so wouldn’t it be just a cat?”
“You know what I mean. It’s been quite a year.”

“Yeah….” Don sighed. “Good thing I’m not a diabetic, because this whole Christmas scene is seriously sugary.”
“I almost died twice within a year, I can get sentimental if I want to.” Martin handed the kitten carefully over to Don. “You got any ideas about a name?”


show: numb3rs, pair: charlie eppes / colby granger, pair: don eppes / martin fridegord, numb3rs / one-off

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