Title: Planning Ahead, Chapter 2/3
Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome
NUMB3RS Main List Chapter 1/3 “Morning.”
Colby cracked one eye open. Charlie was leaning down to look at him and grinning like a lunatic.
“Guess what I did.”
“That too, but what else?”
“I give up.”
“I made a fire.”
“In the fireplace?”
“Where else?”
“That’s exactly what worries me…. Why didn’t you just wake me up?”
“Because I didn’t need your help. I’m a grown man and I’m perfectly capable of setting up a fire.”
Colby rolled on the so that he could see the fireplace. The logs were neatly packet into a triangular formation and lit appropriately from the bottom.
“Babe, I’m impressed.”
“You should be. And you’ll be more impressed when you try the breakfast.”
Charlie leaped up and disappeared to the small kitchen. He came back carrying two steaming mugs and a dark glass bottle on a tray.
“What’s that?”
“I got it from Martin, some of his relatives had it sent from Sweden. It’s an old tradition there.”
“I still want to know what that is.”
“It’s a tradition winter beverage. Really old tradition, all the way from the sixteenth century.”
“What is it?”
“I was hoping you’d forget that, I can’t pronounce it.”
“Show me the label.” Colby picked up the bottle. “Glogg?”
“I think it’s Glögg…. Anyway, try it.”
Colby took a careful sip and he had to force his face to stay still.
“Too hot?”
“No….. How strong is this stuff?”
“Well, the label said extra strong, so….”
“How strong?”
“Forty-two percent….”
“Charlie, it’s nine in the morning.”
“I know, but it’s our weekend off!”
“If I have this in an empty stomach I wont get out of bed till the afternoon-” He paused and took a good look at Charlie. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
“We’re in the middle of the middle of the snowy woods, if I don`t do something, you’ll wanna do something like skiing or snow angels or something.”
“I haven’t done show angels since I was a kid and you like skiing.”
“I do like skiing, but not when we have a weekend alone.”
“So you try to get me drunk? You could just ask!”
“I did some research. When you drink the right amount of that stuff, you can’t walk but your downstairs manservant is still up for his duties.”
“You want to spend the day in bed?”
“Basically…. yeah.”
“And you wanted me so wasted that I would just bend over and let you do whatever you want?”
“Have you ever had to get me drunk for that?”
“So why couldn’t you just say: We have a bearskin rug in front of the fireplace, lay down and spread your legs?”
“You make it sound so dirty….” Charlie glanced down and smirked. “I don’t know about you, but I’m getting excited.”
“And you haven’t even tasted your drink.” Colby took another sip from his own mug. “By the time I’ve drunk all of this, I’ll be begging you to tear my clothes off.”
“Is it really that strong?”
“I’m always begging you to take my clothes off, but after this I’ll be too drunk to take them off myself.”
“Are we there yet?”
“Still no.” Martin stated. “Try to get some sleep.”
“I can’t sleep on the plane, there’s too much distractions.”
“Wait a sec….” Martin opened the side pocket of his small carry-on and pulled out a black sleep mask and a pair of earplugs. “Try with these.”
“You always keep those in you pocket?”
“Only when I’m flying with you. I’m used to sleeping in the plane.”
“Then why did you have them?”
“When we flew to San Diego you acted like a little kid with ADD. When we fly across the Atlantic ocean, I come prepared.”
“What else do you got in there?”
“For you? I got some gum, candy, a paperback, and your iPod.”
“What’s the paperback?”
“I know your literary taste, so I knew what to bring.” Martin handed the book over to Don.
“Hundred and one Jokes for the John: The Crème de la Crème of Toilet Humour? You know me too well.”
“I know…. I gotta order more of that stuff for Christmas.” Charlie mused and pushed few sweaty curls from his forehead. “I’ll get you drunk and then I’ll make you wear that elf-hat with the jingle bells.”
“Are you saying we don’t fool around often enough?” Colby grinned. “I’ve never said no to you, remember that.”
“Yeah, but usually we need to get a babysitter first. When I got you here all alone I’m not letting you waste your energy on something unimportant like skiing.”
“Don, wake up.”
Don snapped awake. “Where are we?”
“At the airport. You’ve been asleep for fifteen minutes. I already got our bags.”
“Sorry, I-” Don observed the crowded surroundings. “I thought we were going to Stockholm.”
“We are in Stockholm.”
“The sign says Welcome to Arlanda!”
“We’re at the Arlanda Airport in Stockholm. See the other sign? Arlanda Flygplats.”
“Forget I said anything, I’m still half asleep.”
“Let’s get going, my cousin Marie’s supposed to be waiting for us at the parking lot.”
“We’re meeting your family?”
“Well, one family member, and not a very close one. You’ve already met my parents, you can handle one cousin.”
“Is she….you know….”
“What? Wearing a horn-helmet and a metal bra?”
“Well… is she?”
“Don, you’ve seen one movie about Vikings, and it doesn’t really give a realistic picture of the Scandinavia.”
“I’ve never been in Europe, culture shock is totally normal. We are in Europe, right?”
“Yes, Scandinavia is a part of Europe.”
“See, I’m learning new stuff all the time.”
“Let’s go. And when you meet her, remember what we talked about back home.”
“I remember. There’s no polar bears in Sweden except in Zoos.”
“And if she starts talking to you in Swedish and you have no idea what she’s saying, ask me or just nod your head politely.”