Fic: One More Year, Chapter 2/3 (Criminal Minds, Reid / Morgan, Hotch / Chad, Sean / Cain, NC-17)

Nov 10, 2009 17:45

Title:  One More Year, Chapter 2/3
Pair: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan,
Aaron Hotchner / Chad Christensen,
Sean Hotchner / Cain Christensen
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always Welcome

Criminal Minds Main List

Chapter 1/3

“I’m not going downstairs for dinner.” Morgan announced. He was standing in front of a mirror, his eyes fixed on his nose. “No way.”

“It’s just swollen.” Reid stated. “That’s all.”
“I look like someone took a swing at me!”
“Someone did.”
“Yeah, but this is a question of reputation.”
“Sean said they’re going downstairs to eat, and his nose looked just as bad.”
“Exactly. What if people put two and two together and assume he did this? I don’t mind getting hit by a suitable guy, but I will not let people think some skinny white kid punched me in the nose.”
“So this is all about you ego.” Suddenly Reid stopped and his expression turned from fed up to alert.

“Now what?”
“Remember what Cain said about this hotel and spa?”
“He said they had recommended it to Chad and Hotch.”
“And Chad was determined to get away for the weekend. You don’t think they…..?”
“Are here too.” Morgan finished. “What are the chances that-”
“What are the chances we ran into Sean and Cain? I better call him.”
“Hotch. If they’re here, I don’t want to run into them by accident. He’ll think we planned this thing to ambush him or something.”


“I can’t believe this….” Hotch groaned. “Are you two going downstairs?”
“According to Morgan’s nose, we’re not. But I don’t know about Cain and Sean. Think you can keep him in your room?”
“I’ll try, he should be back soon. He went to get changed.”
“Bye.” Hotch hung up. He turned around and almost bumped into Chad. “When did you come back?”

“In time.” Chad deadpanned. “You know about tomorrow, don’t you?”
“And who was that?”
“They’re here too, aren’t they?”
“And Sean and Cain.”
“Great, just great.”
“Sorry?” Hotch tried carefully.
“It’s fine, this is how plans always go. Something goes so far off the mark that it’s almost funny.”
“Why exactly don’t you want to celebrate? Or why didn’t’t you tell me about it?”

“You can shut down your inner profiler.” Chad smirked. “I don’t have any bad birthday memories from my childhood, a clown didn’t burst my giraffe balloon when I was five or anything like that.”
“Then why-”
“And I don’t mind getting older. I just don’t like it when people make a big deal out of it. It’s one day, and there’s 364 other days in a year.”

“You know what?” Hotch shoved his phone back to his pocket. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told you when Jack was compiling a list of toys he wanted for his birthday. Birthday celebration is about the people who want to wish you a happy birthday.”
“That’s a nice through.”
“I know, I planned that conversation for three hours to get it right. I went through sixteen different drafts.”

“I really don’t like being compared to a little kid, but I’ll let it go this time.” Chad took a step closer. “So you want to wish me a happy birthday?”
“Your birthday’s not till tomorrow.”
“What if I want my gift now?”
“I could come up with something.”
“Good. Come here.” Chad grabbed his hand and pulled him to the balcony. The sunlight was gone and the terrace on the ground floor was almost empty. “Like the view?”
“Are you planning to do something weird? Tangle me over the railing or something?”
“No.” Chad grabbed the hem of Hotch`s shirt and tried to pull it up. “Off.”

“Here?” Hotch Glanced down and realised the railing covered them from the waist down. He gave up and let Chad to peel off his shirt.


“I was right.” Reid stated. “They’re here too.”

“This is like that episode of Frasier when they were all in that cabin in the hills. Everyone ended up in wrong rooms and ran into each other in the wrong moment.”
“What’s that look?”
“You know what I think about that show.”
“That show revolved around two pseudo-intellectuals who gave a bad name to all of us real intellectuals.”
“They were funny!”
“They were phoneys. The writer hid behind big words to make up for what the characterisation lacked. And the use of psychiatric terminology…. Why didn’t anyone just tell them to check them before they put them into the script?”

“Pretty Boy….” Morgan couldn’t help laughing. “I think you’re taking that too personally.”


“Hands on the railing.”

Hotch turned around and braced his hands obediently against the railing. He had never before been so happy for the darkness. The people on the ground level were coming and going, nobody noticing what was happening two stores above them. Warm body pressed against his back. A pair of hands snaked around him and settled on top of his own hands, locking him in his position.

“Look down.”
“Something in particular?”
“Isn’t it funny? People go on with their business and they have no idea what I’m doing to you right above them.”
“You’re not doing anything right now. Are you building momentum or just trying to torture me?” Hotch pushed his body back against Chad.
“Little bit of both. And I like the combination. Cool breeze, warm skin….” He planted a kiss on Hotch`s shoulder. “You want me to warm you up?”
“You’ve been warming me up for the last twenty minutes. As much as I appreciate your meticulous preparations…. If you don’t do something soon, I’ll-”
“You’ll what?”
“I figure out something….” Hotch arched his back to rub himself against the other body. “I will….”

Chad let go of Hotch`s hands, and moved them to his hips, guiding him to leaned further against the railing and moving his legs further apart. With one smooth move he guided himself inside Hotch`s body, filling him up.


“I got a message…..” Reid smirked. “I think it’s meant for you.”

“It’s from Sean.”
“What does he have to say?”
“Bruised Nose -club gets together, room 325. Beer, pizza and jolly company. Interested?”
“You want to go?”
“Well, you don’t need to be afraid someone would see your nose….”
“So you do wanna go.”
“I wouldn’t mind some company. Or pizza. And when we come back I can take a good look at your nose.”
“What about other parts?”
“Are you going to get them all black and blue too?”
“Preferably no.”
“Then we can talk about it later.


Hotch sank his teeth into his bottom lip. His self-control was about to collapse, and he was sure Chad knew exactly how close he was. The spots of light in the dark night were now dancing in front of his eyes. The edge was getting and closer. He felt Chad’s hand leaving his hip and suddenly it was pressed against his mouth, blocking the loud howl. He came silently, the warm palm suppression his usual moans. Chad followed him, exploding inside him. He pressed his face against Hotch`s neck, breathing heavily, but there was no other sounds. No moans or groans, just laboured breathing.

“You…. you….” Hotch gasped. “How the hell can you stay so quiet….?”
“Discipline.” Chad kissed him on the cheek. “And thanks for my birthday present. Definitely the best birthday gift I’ve had in years.”

Chapter 3/3

-nc-17, cm / one-off, show: criminal minds, pair: sean hotchner / cain christensen, pair: aaron hotchner / chad christensen, pair: spencer reid / derek morgan

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