Title: The Next Morning (Chapter 21 -Anniversary Emergency )
Author: FinnishSphinx
Rating: PG
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pairings: Ryan Wolf/ Eric Delko
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: They are not mine, just using them for amusement...
Feedback: Makes the World Turn.
"Eric, hey." Alexx shut the folder she had been reading and got up from her chair.
"What are you doing here? Ryan said you had a day off."
"I do, I just wanted to talk to you. Got a minute?"
"Sure. I got another post in half an hour. What do you want to talk about?"
"I kinda wanted to ask for a suggestion."
"What kind of suggestion?"
"Gift kind of suggestion."
"Oh, your doing Christmas shopping already."
"No, actually.... We have our six months anniversary this Saturday."
"Six months! Oh baby, that has to be a record for you..."
"You just had to say that, didn`t you..."
"I did." Alexx giggled.
"And yeah, it is a record for me, so I was thinking I should do something special."
Alexx gave him a playful look. "Awww, my baby is growing up and maturing.
What are you planning?"
"I don`t know yet. After the whole Vegas thing Ryan probably needs some
cheering up, but I`m out of ideas."
"Well, what sort of gifts do you usually give?"
"Usually, my things haven`t lasted long enough to reach that point. And those few
times I actually gave gifts don`t really help with this."
"Why not?"
"I don`t think Ryan would be too happy if I gave him some skimpy lingerie on our
anniversary." Eric had to laugh at the mental image the though had created.
"Hey, I saw you coming here!" Valera came to the break room and poured herself
a cup of coffee. "Since when do you spend you day off here?"
"I just wanted to talk to Alexx, and I dropped in to have a cup of coffee."
"That`s good, because I wanna talk with you."
"About what?"
"About this anniversary thing."
Eric almost choked on his coffee. "How the hell do you know about that?"
"We`re in the lab, remember! Everybody knows everything that goes on around
here. Alexx`s assistant overheard you two talking, he talked about it with that
blond receptionist, she talked to that old crow from Prints, and so on."
"And all this happened in less then thirty minutes?"
"That`s unbelievable...." Eric groaned. "So, everyone in the lab knows?"
"Yeah, but on the plus side, they all think it`s really cute."
"I think I better go, before the old bats from administration come and start doing that
creepy goo-goo-and cheek-pinching- thing." Eric got up from the couch, but Valera
stopped his escape.
"Not yet, I have something for you..."
"Something to give a you some ideas about the gift." Valera started digging her bag
and pulled out a mail order catalogue. Eric took it and browsed it through with his
mouth open. "So, do you see anything nice?"
"Valera... I have a feeling, that if I give Ryan a sex toy as a gift on our anniversary,
I will sleep on the couch for the next two weeks. And did you mean this as some
kind of a hint? Do you think I can`t keep him satisfied?" Eric wasn`t sure if he
should be offended or amused.
Valera giggled. "Calm down, I didn`t mean anything like that. I just thought it would
be something fun for both of you. And I got kinda hooked on those things myself..."
"Exactly how long have you been on their mailing list?"
"Not for long. Remember that cop I`ve been dating?" Eric nodded. "Apparently all
those things he uses to build muscle mass, have some side effects."
Eric chuckled. "So, you two are doing well?"
"Very well. I dumped him last week."
"You did?"
"I`m a real, red blooded woman. I can`t live on plastic toys alone."
Eric almost managed to get away from the lab without questions. He got as far as the
parking lot, when Calleigh ambushed him. "Eric, I heard you were around."
"How exacly did you hear about it? I`m starting to think the whole lab staff has put
tracking devices on me."
"Not yet.... Anyway, I just wanted to warn you. Ryan is obviously ready for your
anniversary, so you better make an effort."
"What do you mean `ready`?"
"This morning, when we were in the locker room, I happened to see the inside of
his locker."
"And there was quite a few parcels stored in there, and they didn`t look like
Christmas gifts."
"Your kidding....."
"I`m doomed...."
Calleigh giggled and grabbed Eric from his shoulder. "Don`t exaggerate . My shift is
almost over, I`ll just get my stuff from my locker. Then I`ll guide you to the wonderful
world of window shopping."
"Okay, I`m desperate enough." Eric groaned. "But if we don`t come up with anything,
I`m gonna have to buy him some lingerie and sex toys." Calleigh gave him a weird look.
"Don`t ask."
"Please, don`t tell."
Chapter 1 -Elephants on the the Trampoline Chapter 2 -Two Conditions Chapter 3 -Office Gossip Chapter 4 -Sweaty and Panting Chapter 5 -Valera`s Deduction Chapter 6 -ME and her Scalpels Chapter 7 -Worn Out Chapter 8 -Invitation Chapter 9 -Cleansing Preparations Chapter 10 -After Dinner Cuddle Chapter 11 -Lovers and Old Friends Chapter 12 -Sleepless in Miami Chapter 13 -Home Again Chapter 14 -Catching Up Chapter 15 -Negotiations Chapter 16 -The Closet Case Chapter 17 -Charity Effort of a Couch Creature Chapter 18 -Otherworldly Anesthetic Chapter 19 -Coming And Going Chapter 20 -Rules of DepartureChapter 21 -Anniversary Emergency