Fic: Resting / Restless, Chapter 2/2 Numb3rs, Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger, Don Eppes / Martin)

Jul 11, 2009 11:50

Title: Resting / Restless, Chapter 2/2            
                                    Fandom: Numb3rs
                                    Pair: Charlie Eppes / Colby Granger,
                                    Don Eppes / Martin Fridegord                                   
                                    Rating: PG     
                                    Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
                                    Feedback: Always Welcome

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Resting / Restless, Chapter 1/2 

Contains my response to Chymoms Line challenge, using lines:
Charlie- What's happened?
Ian- I'll fill you in on the way.
Don- The job doesn't own me.
Charlie- That`s defently the meds talking.


“Charlie, it’s me.” Colby greeted. “Are you still at CalSci?”
“Yeah, I was just going to leave.”
“Good, something really freaky is going on.”
“What do you mean?”
“Don’s here.”
“He’s acting really weird.”
“Weird how?”
“Just come here. Trust me, you wanna see this yourself.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in…. half an hour if I can find a cab quickly?”
“Great, bye.”
“Bye.” Charlie hung up and started to gather the mountain of papers to his backpack.

“Charlie?” Martin barged in. He looked like he had run all the way from the parking lot. “Have you seen Don? He doesn’t answer his phone.”
“He’s at my house, Colby just called.”
“Is he okay?”
“I don’t know, apparently he’s acting weird.”
“How weird?”
“That’s what I asked. He just said I should see it myself.”
“I should have kept better eye on him, but I had an early meeting this morning.”
“What’s happened?”
“I’ll fill you in on the way.”


“Where have you been? I was going to call you again.” Colby came to meet them at the front door. “I almost cuffed him one of your blackboards.”
“Where is he now?”
“Trying to catch Kois. According to him the pond needs some new landscaping. What`s going on?”

“I send him to meet that same therapist who treated Charlie.” Martin started. “He prescribed him these.” He pulled a small bill bottle from his pocket.
“What are those?”
“Anti-anxiety meds. He had a rough episode couple days ago.”
“He went gaga because of those?”
“Not exactly. You know how Don never reads the manual?”
“Like that new stereo system he bought some time ago. It took him a month to get it running, because he couldn’t spend twenty minutes reading the manual.”
“Get to the funny part.” Charlie encouraged.
“I was supposed to have a day off, and I picked up the prescription this morning. Then I got called back to work, they had a little emergency, and when I came back he was gone.”

“So why is he like that? Is he allergic to the meds or something?” Colby wondered.
“When I came back there was a half empty coffee pot in the maker, three empty energy drink cans in the bin. And several gum wrappers.”
“And the pudding.” Charlie added with a wide grin.
“Right. He ate the left-over’s from last nights pudding.”
"Could you finally get to the point?” Colby demanded.

Martin simply gave him a sheet of paper. Colby scanned it through.
“…..soda, energy drinks, coffee, deserts and snacks of high sugar content…. What is this?”
“It’s a list of things people should avoid when they are using this medication. It’s supposed to relax you and lift the mood. Imagine what happens when you add a load of caffeine and sugar to that mix?”
“You get an overgrown five-year old who’s totally out of it?”
“Exactly.” Martin sighed. “What did he do?”

“When he came here he was really excited about the way his car goes wroom-wroom….”
“He drove here?” Charlie sounded horrified.
“His car’s still being fixed.” Martin intercepted.
“David saw there was something wrong when he picked him up from home, and he decided to bring him here for day-care, since I’m off today anyway. Then he noticed the blackboards and started drawing flowers on them.”
“Yep. Then he realised we have that pond in the backyard and he got really upset. He said the deckchairs should be against the fence, and we really need to paint the Kois, because they don’t fit the fabrics.”
“That’s what I said too.”

“Col-Col!” Don rushed back from the backyard. “They don’t let me paint them, they squirm!”
“I told you before. Leave the fishes alone.”
“They’re cold and squeaky….” Don sulked like a stubborn kid. “I could paint…. I could paint your car! You got any paint?”
“Don’t go anywhere near my car.”

“Don, are you okay?” Charlie asked.
“Chuck-Chuck-Chukie, I know what I wanna be when I grow up.”
“You’re already grown up.”
“Really? Great, I don’t need to wait. I wanna be a painter!”
“You already got a job.”
“The job doesn’t own me.” Don whined. "I dont wanna do.... whatever it was..."
“That’s definitely the meds talking.” Charlie groaned and turned to Martin. “You try.”

“Hey!” Don exclaimed and leaped to give him a hug.
“Remember me? And what I told you this morning?”
“I remember you….” Don tried to craw into Martin`s lap like a child looking for a cuddle.
“Mar-Mar-Mar……” Don’s sentence ended with a loud snore. He dozed against Martin’s shoulder.

“That’s one of the side effects.” Martin explained. “He can fall asleep anytime, anywhere when the meds wear off.”
“We better take him upstairs to sleep it off.” Charlie offered. “Colby, handle it.”
“Do I look like I can carry him?”
“You got a point…..”

“Come on, you take the feet, I’ll take the head.” Martin commended. Colby obeyed and they carried Don upstairs. Few minutes later Colby came back downstairs.

“After this I’m glad every time when I have to pick up Helen, my back’s killing me.”
He slumped down on the couch and tried to rub his neck. “And couple years from now, she’s going to be just like Don was.”
“Even if she tries, she can’t be that childish.” Charlie grinned. He sat down next to Colby. “Turn around.” He started massaging Colby’s neck, unleashing the cramping muscles. “Just be happy we have a normal kid.”

show: numb3rs, pair: charlie eppes / colby granger, pair: don eppes / martin fridegord, numb3rs / one-off, line challenge

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