(Updated 11/8/06)
Hello, I be Finni, and welcome to my journal. This is a personal journal consisting of day-to-day life things, thoughts, angry rants, strange doodles and lots of other random stuff... I don't update regularly - I could update three times in one day or I could update once in three weeks. Usually I post once every two or three days.
I'll try not to spam your friend's list with junk and memes, and most things that are pretty long or include an image will be posted under a LiveJournal cut.
In return, seeing that I read my flist often, I would like a few things from you. Consider this the Terms of Service from me, and are subject to change at any time without notification.
1. If you are looking for art, please go to my art journal at
fintastic. I will only post personal art here (friend's birthdays, scratch-doodlies, etc.) and thus please do not repost it anywhere.
2. Add me to your friend's list first please. I will add you back.
3. Try to place your long entries and huge images under an LJ cut please - I don't like my flist being stretched with clutter. LiveJournal cuts are like what I used to let you click on a link to read the whole story. It works like this:
Full story or meme code here.
For more information, just read the LJ FAQ:
click here.
4. Please don't hold something I say on this journal against me. I will rant and say whatever's on my mind, which could be a little exagerrated. When I add you to my friends list, there is a certain bit of trust I'm extending toward you to respect my privacy. Please don't abuse it.
And that's it, I think it's pretty reasonable.
When you comment, please introduce yourself and state how you found my journal~