More kinkmeme stuff, hoshit.

Feb 20, 2009 15:47

In the Middle

Rating: Mature
Genre: Drama. Not sure if the timeline is anywhere near right, but eh!
Characters/Pairing: Chiyo/Tsunade
Spoilers: I don't think there are any.
Disclaimer: Naruto is the property of Kishimoto Masashi. Standard fanfic disclaimers apply.
Notes: This is yet another 'fic I wrote which sprang out of redbrunja 's epic kinkmeme.

This is how we bleed. )

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3/3 tl__dr February 22 2009, 11:40:34 UTC
I'm afraid to keep c/ping and rambling at you because I think I've probably already exceeded the comment limit AGAIN (after checking: yep, I did), so I'll just jot down some quick thoughts on the rest of this:
- I loved Tsunade's comedown from the sex. This really reads as realer than most femslash sex I've read ages (and I love femslash, and read tons of it, but while the romanticized stuff has its place - heck, that's the sort of thing I write, really - there's nothing like some good, nuanced, rawly sensual porn like this. Just. Sublime). Just the description of that post-orgasm physical equilibrium...yum.
- I love that Chiyo stayed, and let Tsunade pour out all this pain she'd been feeling for so long, and just gently, silently stayed with her. There's a strength and understanding to the interactions between these two women that is even more appealing than the hot hot hot sex, so thank you. This entire thing was just so beautiful.

And I loved the last line.

I obviously can't be very coherent over this, but thank you for bearing with my stream-of-consciousness flailing and thank you thank you THANK YOU for writing this beautifully delicious piece of fanfiction.


late reply is late pt 3 hieronymousb February 25 2009, 09:32:06 UTC
AWWWW WELL, thank you so much for leaving such a fab set of comments. Yep, this fic was definitely sort of my, I dunno, fanfic-treatise on the idea of Women Talking to Women and Women Sharing Women's Pain and Women Understanding Women. Because, well, here's where I get on my soapbox again, but there's entirely too little of this anywhere in fiction, and especially (unfortunately) in fandom. Women are human beings. They need to talk to one another, and they need to relate to one another. And what's more, fiction, I think, sometimes needs to address and show this, because there are plenty of stories/scenes dealing with men interacting with men or women interacting with men, but women understanding and talking to women (as human beings)? Sadly kind of rare, in my experience.

But yeah, /SOAPBOX. Point being, I do think stories of such a nature can be important and should, sometimes, be written, and it was my pleasure to write it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!


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