More kinkmeme stuff, hoshit.

Feb 20, 2009 15:47

In the Middle

Rating: Mature
Genre: Drama. Not sure if the timeline is anywhere near right, but eh!
Characters/Pairing: Chiyo/Tsunade
Spoilers: I don't think there are any.
Disclaimer: Naruto is the property of Kishimoto Masashi. Standard fanfic disclaimers apply.
Notes: This is yet another 'fic I wrote which sprang out of redbrunja 's epic kinkmeme.

This is how we bleed. )

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1/2 tl__dr February 22 2009, 11:38:06 UTC
She thinks of Jiraiya, that big idiot. When did he ever abide by that rule? When did Orochimaru? Or maybe Orochimaru has. Maybe he has too perfectly, she thinks with a flash of unnamed ache; no, never mind. Damn, she's got to get to work.

Ah, such a beautiful and contextual stray line. I love the interpretation of Orochimaru here - somebody who represses his human side to the point of psychopathy, it's so apt.

Also I haven't even gotten to the slash yet but I'm already finding Tsunade's bubbling-beneath-the-surface anger the hottest thing on earth.

A child such as me could run her fist straight through your stomach, Tsunade thinks. Bites her lips and holds her hands behind her back.


Wants to tear off the ladies' dresses and tell them to get to work. Stop praying. There's a man with his chest open two rooms down.


And then, enter Chiyo.

The woman doesn't like her. Doesn't respect her. She looks up and down the length of her body severely, and Tsunade feels herself redden, and she can't say why. She must look so foolish. She's out of her element like this, in this stupid costume, in this stupid space. She's no diplomat, not her. And she's never had a real lady friend; boys. Jiraiya, her brother. Those sorts of boys -- silly and stupid and wonderful and alive.

I am so so so HOOKED already. I love the line about her not having had a lady friend yet, because current canon!Tsunade has Shizune and Sakura devoted to her, and as such it's never something I've really thought about, how her social circle looked before Shizune.

Tsunade starts to turn, starts to go. But she hears a sound behind her -- a snort of contempt, and she turns on her heels abruptly. "My place is between you and whatever your goals are. My place is an ointment in the blood that you filled with venom. That's my place."

hooked hooked hooked I AM SO HOOKED

There's a full moon casting its light through an unclouded sky when the woman yanks the covers from Tsunade.

She jerks to attention, scuttles back against the bed; kicks out and knocks Chiyo to the ground with the broad swing of one foot. Because the truth is --

The truth is, Tsunade was interrupted.

Something in the tea, she thinks -- the tea she served. Something in it, perhaps, is affecting her, because she's flushed and she feels dizzy. Or maybe it's fever, contracted from a patient. Could be that. Could be that the cooks have been playing a practical joke. Tsunade feels her mouth hang open, slack in surprise, and then --

Chiyo cuffs her in the jaw.

OH MY GOD this is seriously so stupendously hot already, ahaha, the SET-UP of this pairing, the tension and resentment and violence and Chiyo interrupting poor Tsunade in the midst of self-pleasure and how flustered she is it's delicious...I can't wait to see where this is going.

A brittle grin cracks the older woman's broad flat face; crow's feet are already sprouting around her eyes. Chiyo is not pretty. Not even handsome. Her body is all hunched and hard and small; she spreads her thick knobs of fingers and opens herself, as if to embrace the girl before her. Tsunade stares back through narrowed eyes; a shinobi does not show emotion. This is her enemy here, the one with whom she exchanges the pretense of courtesy when it's necessary, but nothing more.

I love love love that you don't prettify Chiyo at all, in mind or body. She's here in all her wrinkled, mad glory, and that makes me more happy than I can possibly hope to express.


2/3 tl__dr February 22 2009, 11:39:16 UTC
But Tsunade, still flush, still certain something was in her drink (did this woman slip her -- but no, that's absurd) beckons -- and Chiyo inches forward, joins her on the bed; hot press of two bodies -- two tools. This nin from Suna has hands harder and more callused than Tsunade's own, and she takes Tsunade's slim fingers and twists them; massages the chakra centres where the muscles have cramped.

Leans down and blows on them, as if they're fresh coals from a flame.

Hell yes. Ninja foreplay. The best kind of foreplay there is. Seriously: this is so weirdly sensual, and so right.

She of the lifeless, dry puppets -- carrying them like she'll someday carry her old bones, if she -- if they -- live long enough for that; drying away in the desert, where the blood and tears evaporate quickly. And those hands which manipulate the strings of the puppets are on Tsunade; they know chakra control, know how to draw these things out.

God I just. Maybe I'll just quote back at you EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CHIYO IN THIS FIC, because they're all that good.

She doesn't, actually, say anything. Just moans. Because kunoichi are taught how to pick flowers, how to disguise themselves; they aren't taught how to fuck men, or women. How to be fucked. How to be fucked over. Just be a weapon. Just remember that. Tsunade squirms on the bed; presses her cheek to the pillow and nearly sobs from the force of it -- as those practised puppeteer's hands inspect and pry open her pussy. As those fingers jab at her; nothing delicate to it, it's almost mechanical, almost an art, as she's pulled and stretched, as she's poked and licked and sucked.

This bit is amazing. I love that the sex is so puppet-esque, that's of course perfect where Chiyo is involved, and I also love all of Tsunade's angry diatribes about just how used she is. It's so her, so apt, and so justified.

Her muscles are as tight and wound up as they ever were after any battle. "Fuck," she grates, as the fingers invade her, drag out her sticky wetness and smear the insides of her thighs with it. She clenches hard. Before she knows it, she's on her hands and knees, with the soles of her feet shoving into the bare mattress, with her body shamelessly open, spread out.

another driveby "THIS IS SO HOT" dkfjksd

Ok and right after that is my favorite bit so far:

Her big tits press against the pillow as she presses her strong arms down on either side of it -- supports her weight with those arms that she's trained to punch through mountains but that forever fall so short of feeling powerful enough to hold everything that's inside her -- and Chiyo pushes up behind her with the ease of someone for whom fucking is just a warm-up.

Just. Every word of this is exactly right, Tsunade's physical power and emotional sense of terrifying vulnerability, of unraveling, and the way Chiyo is just so TOUGH, so hardy, so in control with how open she is about their lack of control.

And goddamn:

The fingers press deep, stretch; the necklace dangles above Tsunade's chest. Her nipples are so hard, the force of this fuck slides her forward until the bed rubs them almost raw and she pants, pants, pants.

is this smut SMOLDERING HOT. Just so raunchy and raw and real, I can feel every slide and twist, it's incredible. I truly never thought I'd get to read fic this hot for my favorite Naruto girlslash pairing, and now you've delivered in a way that's probably going to be eternally unparalleled no matter what. THANK YOU FOR THIS.


3/3 tl__dr February 22 2009, 11:40:34 UTC
I'm afraid to keep c/ping and rambling at you because I think I've probably already exceeded the comment limit AGAIN (after checking: yep, I did), so I'll just jot down some quick thoughts on the rest of this:
- I loved Tsunade's comedown from the sex. This really reads as realer than most femslash sex I've read ages (and I love femslash, and read tons of it, but while the romanticized stuff has its place - heck, that's the sort of thing I write, really - there's nothing like some good, nuanced, rawly sensual porn like this. Just. Sublime). Just the description of that post-orgasm physical equilibrium...yum.
- I love that Chiyo stayed, and let Tsunade pour out all this pain she'd been feeling for so long, and just gently, silently stayed with her. There's a strength and understanding to the interactions between these two women that is even more appealing than the hot hot hot sex, so thank you. This entire thing was just so beautiful.

And I loved the last line.

I obviously can't be very coherent over this, but thank you for bearing with my stream-of-consciousness flailing and thank you thank you THANK YOU for writing this beautifully delicious piece of fanfiction.


late reply is late pt 3 hieronymousb February 25 2009, 09:32:06 UTC
AWWWW WELL, thank you so much for leaving such a fab set of comments. Yep, this fic was definitely sort of my, I dunno, fanfic-treatise on the idea of Women Talking to Women and Women Sharing Women's Pain and Women Understanding Women. Because, well, here's where I get on my soapbox again, but there's entirely too little of this anywhere in fiction, and especially (unfortunately) in fandom. Women are human beings. They need to talk to one another, and they need to relate to one another. And what's more, fiction, I think, sometimes needs to address and show this, because there are plenty of stories/scenes dealing with men interacting with men or women interacting with men, but women understanding and talking to women (as human beings)? Sadly kind of rare, in my experience.

But yeah, /SOAPBOX. Point being, I do think stories of such a nature can be important and should, sometimes, be written, and it was my pleasure to write it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!


late reply is late pt 2 hieronymousb February 25 2009, 09:24:10 UTC
See, and the reason I wrote it as kind of raunchy is because -- well, two things. First off, neither of these ladies were young girls at this point. They'd been around the sexual block. A lot of femmeslash dealing with girl on girl seems to be girls who are Sakura's age or younger, and the sweeter, cutesier stuff is admittedly more suited to that age range.

But also, as a ... uh, gay-ish, probably bisexual-ish woman, I sometimes get frustrated with the fact that, as you said yourself, soooo much girl/girl is so ridiculously cutesy and pretty and romantic and pink and flowers, and... there's nothing wrong with that, of course, but there's no reason two girls can't have raunchy hog wild rutting sex and enjoy it and find it a fun/meaningful/sexy experience. I think sometimes society and girls themselves get a little, I dunno, freaked out by female bodies and female sexuality, and sometimes I just want to celebrate WOMEN'S SEX and WOMEN'S BODIES. The m/m world, and even some of the m/f world is totally down with the dick worship. Come on, fandom. Don't fear what a lady can bring.

Ahem, sorry for that little rant, but yeah, that's one of my pet issues. Thanks again for the review!


late reply is late pt 1 hieronymousb February 25 2009, 09:17:36 UTC
Yeah, I really do think it would've been a disservice to Chiyo's character to "prettify" her. We saw her in the flashbacks, and even when she was younger, she was a hard-looking woman -- not a great beauty. She was, in a certain light, a very progressive character for a manga, and I love that about her.

Tsunade's anger: I did get the sense from the flashbacks with her and the Hokage over, say, the medic-nin stuff, that Tsunade always had to deal with being somewhat of the odd one out on a lot of issues, and Konoha's outlook on kunoichi isn't all that, well, progressive. :D So I was trying to work with that. I am glad you enjoyed. Moving on!


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