A fic? Wut? No wai!

Feb 18, 2009 02:38

Here is How You Will Forget to be Human (Again)

Rating: R for sex, though it's not particularly graphic
Genre: Introspective? Kind of a character study.
Characters/Pairing: Itachi/Sakura (of a sort... uh, warning for the fact that this is probably the most UNItachi/Sakura ItaSaku fic ever... and how I managed that, I don't know O_o)
Spoilers: For ( Read more... )

itachi/sakura, itachi, itasaku, wutthefuck?

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kalliel March 1 2009, 10:01:31 UTC
Okay, so I've been treating Sakura's role here as pretty much a non-person. Which really isn't fair to her, is it?

I think... a lot of Itachi/Sakura plays up the contrasts between the two. I think it'd be difficult not to, as I assume therein lies the appeal of the pairing in the first place. This is different, however, because you draw up their contrasts, but it's not in the sense of light and dark. It's not in the sense of Itachi being the villain, Sakura the healer; Itachi the murderer, Sakura the...healer again. For one, Itachi is not the eloquent villain-type as much as he is not the saint-type. And Sakura cannot heal him. The contrasts come into especial focus in the paragraph about Itachi's Konoha and Nakano, Sakura's Konoha and Nakano.

I particularly liked the way Itachi imagines Sakura's fantasy. Just the idea of it is totally appealing. I imagine Sakura, with all her newfound pragmatism and no-nonsense approach, retains that shy, romantic part of herself somewhere.

And you know? It did occur to me that I should be wary, because after all, it is Itachi/Sakura, and it is the product of a kink meme. I will admit, I was somewhat unnerved going in. There's a lovely subtlety to the sexual part of this. Blink and you will literally miss it. Interesting for a kink meme, but I think what this was instead is better than what it would have been. And this is my favorite kind of sex, in the first place. And here we encounter that same selective clarity. The sex is the small thing, the concrete (albeit still quite ethereal!) moment. And at the same time, Itachi also considers some search for explanation, true understanding, some place where one can find the answers to his own questions.

The merging of their two Konohas--or rather, head-on collision--is a vibrant climax, and it is so very fitting that Sasuke/the memory of Sasuke would serve as catalyst to that.

And I love the last line, because quite simply, this is what Itachi is. This is his way:
Itachi leaves Konoha again -- and this time, it is final: leaves to find his light, and asks no more of the world. Only listens, until loving is like not feeling at all, and a sight that sees through everything is total darkness, and while all the woods are full of sound, he sinks back in.

Tomorrow it will be time to forget to be human, again.
I strongly encourage more Itachi writings in the future. At your leisure, of course. Much love! ♥


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