Title: Apropos of the Wet Snow
Rating: PG-ish (K+)
Genre: General/Drama
Characters: Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Sai, Pein, Kurenai, Shikamaru, mentions of various others, strong references to Sasuke, Obito, Minato, Itachi, Jiraiya, et al (no pairings, really, unless you count implicit Pein/Konan)
Spoilers: For the recent manga chapters, though at this
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I love the way you wrote Kakashi, especially how he finally seems to connect with Naruto. Your take on Naruto's reaction to being called a hero was also really unique, especially the focus on the burdens of being a hero.
In my mind, Naruto is actually one of the flatter characters, despite being a main character. He has an indomitable spirit and the ability to change people, but I do think Kishi spends much more time with the physical growth of his powers rather than Naruto's maturity thus far. To me, Naruto seems to change everyone around him but he himself is very much static. It's nice that you were able to write a fic with some character development for him.
I really don't know how to write Kakashi or anything, but I thought it was worth a try, and anyhow, I'm glad you enjoyed.
And your kakashi is really awesome. It was exactly how I imagine him.
This fic really was great...I would wax poetic about it all day lol. Your writing style is...without words.
Ah, well, thankyoumuchly. ♥ My writing style is quite experimental, soo, I'm always happy when people respond. ♥
HELL YEAH! That's a major pet peeve of mine. It's like he swings from being huge idiot that can't understand the basics of ninja know-how to intelligent in the blink of an eye, able to come up w/ smart solutions to rasen shurriken(sp?) which is an s-level jutsu. I can understand Naruto acting goofy and faking cheerfulness to cover insecurities but I don't see why he would try to act purposely dumb, especially when it's been shown he's not stupid but quite the opposite (was even compared to Shikamaru in terms of intelligence ( ... )
I knowwww. ;-; *squeezes Pein/continues to feel misplaced sympathy for the insane megalomaniac XD/ignore fact his lifespan is probably soon to be EVEN MOAR SHORTENED by loldeath* Sigh. Srsly, though, at least Konan's concern was CUTE.
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