Mar 28, 2013 10:14
Right so, since 2007, I've lost like 60 pounds, which is super. Good for me. Yes. But I'm definitely stuck at a sort of not-quite-there, squishy/flabby-in-places spot and I'd rather not be if I can reasonably do something about it (an unreasonable way to do something would be, like, working out for 2 hours every day or similar).
I would really like to give myself some sort of incentive/reward or motivation to work toward a goal of getting all fit, but I'm not quite sure how to do that. I don't want a number goal because I'm already below what I originally thought was a "you're out of your mind and you'll never get there" weight when I first started getting healthy - I'm 5'7" and about 130 pounds, and I don't think trying to *weigh* less at this point is probably a great/sane/healthy thing to do anyway. I also have zero idea where to even begin with using measurements as a goal. So I think I just want to be like "four legit workouts a week," meaning not workouts where I just fart around on the elliptical for 20 minutes and then go WHEW WHAT A TOUGH WORKOUT NOW I'M DONE! And also making sure to do some actual hard work with strength training. Don't know where to set the bar with "actual hard work" on that, but I'll figure it out as I go.
So then another issue is I don't know exactly what I want the incentive/reward to be. There's this 70-300mm lens I would really like to get that's a pretty reasonable price (for a camera lens), and saying "you get to buy that now!" after say, four weeks of the four legit workouts/week would make me feel better about spending the money on the lens, HOWEVER. I want to get that lens eventually (I only have the capacity to zoom to 50mm right now, so 300mm would be like WOW DAMN, BALLER), so if I don't complete that goal, it'd really blow to be like "all right, I guess I never get to own that lens." Probably the reward should be something I wouldn't normally get, but also not something super extravagant. I have no idea.
Not totally sure why I'm posting this, except that I want to be somewhat accountable to someone or something, and I guess now I'm accountable to the internet (clearly that worked well for me in the past with NaNo and things [it didn't]). Anyway, thanks for your time. *SALUTE* <3
idk how to do,
tryna get fit,
weight loss saga