Adding LJ communitites to DW via RSS feeds

Oct 30, 2012 19:36

Given that LJ looks all set to foist the new eyesore of a friends page off on us whether we want it or not, and since my major heel dragging in moving to dw is that fandom is still fairly solidly on LJ, I've been scurrying around making sure I have subscribed to the community rss feeds for all my fandom comms on my dreamwidth account.

How to watch an LJ community on your DW page

It's pretty simple. From the DW home page, go to Read > Feeds. There, you can add a feed if it hasn't already been added.

You can find the feed address of any LJ community quite simply. It's:

(Just replace communityname with the name of the community. Easy.)


If you have a paid LJ account, you can also get the feed for your LJ flist:

Note that private entries may not be visible on external RSS readers.

Then just give it a name, subscribe when it asks, and you're all set.

It will look something like this: 

Hopefully this will prove unnecessary, since this is not the most elegant solution - the feed doesn't carry over userpics, and the account listed is the feed, not the original poster (though the original poster is mentioned in the entry). It looks rather like this:

[Spoiler (click to open)]

Also bear in mind that rss feeds only store the most recent 25 entries, so they won't be particularly great for any community that averages more posts than that a day.

Let's just cross our fingers that this whole redesign gets thrown out - or at the least comes with an opt out button.

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