Jun 10, 2006 14:55
I couldn't believe the amount of comm chatter going on. Three and two man teams out, tracking HST's, but mainly two in particular, and nobody, including myself, Forrest and Graham had found hostiles seventeen or nineteen, but five vampires had been captured and two demons of unknown origin had escaped capture.
I had trouble hearing what sectors that those escapes had occurred in, but got them, eventually. Forrest, Graham and I were hunting the two escaped hostiles, primarily, and Professor Walsh was growing increasingly agitated over their elusiveness, but we had to collar the unknowns, because they posed danger to society as well. "Sector 64, gentlemen, and do it yesterday."
We rushed along, decked out in the fatigues, after finding nothing in sectors 58, 59 or 60, where hostile number one that had gotten away was said to be. Sector 64 was only about a kilometer away, but there was nothing to be seen there, either, and we were heading into populated areas.
"Fall back into the woods, and Graham, run pheremone tracings before we double back away from town."
There were trace readings, but they weren't very potent, and primarily led back into the woods, which led all three of us to believe either one of two things. That this demon wasn't excited by ravaging innocents, or, it had found somebody quickly, and had already taken their victim back into the woods and out of sight from any potential onlookers.
Back in the woods, we raised and amped up the level of our search and didn't encounter anything. No demon of unknown origin, and no body. That was at least one positive, and we were, as a group, bringing in hostiles, which would ease Professor Walsh's mind a little, but boy, I would have given anything to come across hostile seventeen, or hostile nineteen, Drusilla, who was probably now the strongest demon in the land, according to the incident report involving her escape, and from what I had seen of it.
Fifteen minutes and four sectors later, we were no closer to capturing anything and the comm chatter had all but ceased. All but one of the teams was back out in force, and it was going to be a long night, because Professor Walsh was adamant about this one. We had to find one or both of those hostiles, or we would be missing sleep, and transferring over to civvies for a daytime raid of crypts.
"This is ridiculous, Riley. Those two hostiles have probably skipped town by now."
With the way that the search was going, I tended to agree with Forrest on that one, but it was futile in trying to argue that one, at least for now. Professor Walsh was facing Pentagonal pressure and we had to eliminate the threat and then contain any possible word of mouth threat about our existence here.
"Move onward, Agent Gates. We have a job to do here, and by God, we're not going to quit, even if we only capture different hostiles."
We pushed forward, and raided a cemetary full of crypts, running across another team in the process. The only issue that I had with all of this was that keeping our presnece here silent while hunting so rigorously, was going to be rough, especially if we were out with smaller packs and civvies in the daylight.