memes usually suck. so i've here attempted to make one that doesn't suck so very much. maybe a little.
1) what moves you?
Beauty. (that's economy of words for you).
2) favorite vegetarian recipe? (please post here...unless of course, it's top secret).
nutritional yeast pasta.
fry onions and celery in smart balance or another vegan butter substitute. add handfulls of nutritional yeast until the the butter clumps. add enough water to make the sauce smooth. season with salt, pepper and parsely. serve over a pasta that can hold a lot of sauce. i find the best kind is wagon wheel pasta.
3) if you could go sailing with three, horny, naked individuals who found you windly attractive and would consent to just about anything, in a boat full of baby jesus butt plugs (, chocolate body paint, liquid silk and rabbit vibrators ( would you bring along?
paul atreides, frida, will turner
4) favorite beverage?
margaritas right now.
5) can i get an amen for sardonic wit? (i guess that wasn't much of a yes or no question).
yes. seeing as i asked the question.
6) how do you deal with the coming apocalypse? what self-care stragies do you implement? (sardonic wit perhaps? other?)
farmwork. then lots of ice and advil.
7) hope...(good or bad? do you have it? do you not?)
i have it. but i don't make the mistake of believing it's more or less than what it is.
8) favorite bedtime story?
heckety peg, the weaving of a dream
9) how do you express yourself?
thinking, doing, making.
10) what does Beauty mean to you?
that which elicits tears. and i'm not talking about stab-wounds.
11) what was/is the greatest challenge you've faced?
loving myself.
12) what wisdom(s) do you have to offer the world?
love yourself. it is the first step to doing justice to others.
13) of what are you most proud?
loving myself.
14) favorite poem? (please post here...unless of course, it's the iliad or worse...the unabridged mahabarata).
A Conchita García Lorca
La luna vino a la fragua
con su polisón de nardos.
El niño la mira, mira.
El niño la está mirando.
En el aire conmovido
mueve la luna sus brazos
y enseña, lúbrica y pura,
sus senos de duro estaño.
Huye luna, luna, luna.
Si vinieran los gitanos,
harían con tu corazón
collares y anillos blancos.
Niño, déjame que baile.
Cuando vengan los gitanos,
te encontrarán sobre el yunque
con los ojillos cerrados.
Huye luna, luna, luna,
que ya siento sus caballos.
Niño, déjame, no pises
mi blancor almidonado.
El jinete se acercaba
tocando el tambor del llano.
Dentro de la fragua el niño,
tiene los ojos cerrados.
Por el olivar venían,
bronce y sueño, los gitanos.
Las cabezas levantadas
y los ojos entornados.
Cómo canta la zumaya,
¡ay, cómo canta en el árbol!
Por el cielo va la luna
con un niño de la mano.
Dentro de la fragua lloran,
dando gritos, los gitanos.
El aire la vela, vela.
El aire la está velando.
15) favorite vegetable?
swiss chard.
16) name five green things that bring you joy.
stinky kachula the goblin princess, fresh picked string beans, my new (FREE) futon, my one pair of lacy undies, the poetry of garcia lorca
17) five pink things that make you uneasy.
girliness, cotton candy, sunburns, the body exhibit, concentrated evil flowing underground (watch ghostbuster II)
18) five blue things that make you horny.
frida's house, the water of life, the eyes of the fremen, the sky at dusk, billie holiday's blues
19) five white things that depress you.
sterility, the white before my eyes in a fainting spell, white supremacy, pictures of mass graves in nazi concentration camps, cigarettes
20) do you still have your first stuffed animal? elaborate.
unfortunately no. i lost blupo at some point while moving out after spring clean up.
[21) what do you most need to heal/recover from?]
22) what makes you feel the most vulnerable?
when people yell at me.
23) what aspect(s) of your being most often get(s) taken for the whole of your being by others?
depends on who's experiencing me. on the farm, my "smiley-ness." elsewhere, my feminism, "feistiness." really depends.
24) what is your Truth?
"not two."
25) can i get a hug?
why certainly. i needed to stretch after writing this anyway.