Jan 02, 2007 23:54
i climbed out of bed to share this thought with you.
after watching "lady in the water" my mom asks "so what's it about?" i scoff, barely audibly, but only because i couldn't come up with an elegant enough answer for the moment. amongst others, possible answers included "showcasing m. night shyamalan's knowledge of plot, cinema and representation," and "a call for justice, hope, goodness and purity that comes from within and without. meaning that is essential and bigger than any one person or thing. meaning that is inescapable and inviolable."
but when i was laying down to rest my head i thought of something else...which is a thought i wanted to hold.
we weave our own meanings and these meanings are truth. this is culture as well as our personal musings. truth with life or death consequences. the Beauty of meaning lies in the believing and creation of that meaning...the STANDING within it. when we enter our stories wholly, unafraid, that is Beauty. there is no beginning or ending, no source AND THAT is truth.
i used to think of Beauty as something channeled, but now i think of it in terms of hermeneutics, relationships.
Beauty is conceived.
Beauty is created and lived and experienced and felt.
Beauty is the convergence of an infinite number of possibilities.
and to be in that space is truth.
that's what cleveland feels when he holds story in his arms and tells her exactly what he needs to say. he could have said other things. and they would have been Beautiful too. it was Beautiful. and i know this because i was moved.