Oct 11, 2006 17:17
1) Sit up straight.
2) Inhale slowly.
3) Exhale slowly.
4) Inhale slowly.
5) Exhale slowly.
6) Think about your day.
7) How were you brilliant today? (And no you can't get out of answering this question).
8) What was the most delicious numnum you consumed? Describe in full.
9) What was today's most sensorially rich experience? Describe in full.
10) How did you feel when you woke up? What were you thinking about?
11) How do you feel now? Why?
12) Where are you?
13) Where do you wish you were? (Could be where you are).
14) Who needs a phonecall from you?
15) Call that person. Yes. Now. The computer won't go anywhere.
16) Did you call hir? Why/why not?
17) What's vexing you?
18) How can you process that anxiety?
19) How will you indulge before the day is through?
20) What would Jesus do if he were you right now?
21) What would Buddha do?
22) What would Frida do?
23) What would YOU do if you were to get up from your current position at the computer and go do something awesome, yet feasible? (Feasible is key here).
24) Execute your answer to question 20, 21, 22 or 23.
25) Did you do it? If not, why the hell not?