Torchwood Pairing Names.

May 13, 2008 23:15

So me and two friends started to pick fun at some pairing names. And oh, how we love pairing names. Some are just destined to be atrocious, am I right? Well, we've made every possible Torchwood pairing possible and paired them off for you. Have a pairing without a name? Now you do. Proof that I've probably gone insane is below the cut.

Torchwood Super Pairing List:

I'll place the proper pairing first and then the names beside it.

shapeshifter/surprised,horrified!Jack/Gwen: Shacken
Gwen/Jack: Gwack/Carkness
Gwen/Ianto: Gwanto/Ien/Jooper/Cones
Gwen/Jack/Ianto: Gwackanto/Jwenanto/Iacken/Carknones
Jack/Ianto/Owen: Jwenanto/Iacken/Owackto/Owantack/Harparknones/Iantowack
John/Ianto: Johnanto/Iohn/Hartones/Jart
Jack/Ianto: Janto/Iack/Jarkness/Hones
Tosh/Owen: Towen/Owosh(iko)/Sarper/Harpato
Janet/Myfanwy: Janyfanwy/Myfanet
Tosh/Ianto: Tanto/Iosh(iko)/Jato/Sones
Gwen/Owen: Gowen/Garper/Carper/Hooper
Janet/Owen: Jowen/Owanet/Janowen/Janarper/Harpanet
John/Jack/Ianto: Johnackanto/Iohnack/Jackantohn/Hartarknones
Owen/Ianto: Owanto/Ien/Harpones/Jarper
Tosh/Jack: Tack/Josh(iko)/Harkato/Sarkness
Tosh/Jack/Ianto: Tackanto/Tantack/Joshanto/Harksatones
Rhys/Gwen: Grhys/Ren/Wooper/Cilliams
Rhys/PC Andy: Randy/Andhys/Willvidson/Dilliams
Rhys/Ianto: Ranto/Ianthys/Jilliams/Williones
PC Andy/Gwen: Gwandy/Anden/Cavidson/Dooper
Mary/Tosh: Mosh(iko)/Tary/Tory
Tommy/Tosh: Tomosh(iko)/Toshommy/Brockato/Sockless
Owen/Diane: Dowen/Owane/Harpolmes
Martha/Jack: Mack/Jartha
Martha/Jack/Ianto: Marthackto/Mackto/Jarthanto
Banana/Tosh: Tanana/Bananosh(iko)
Lisa/Ianto: Lanto/Iantisa/Isa/Hallones/Jallet
Bilis/Abaddon: Babaddon/Abilis/Abadilis
Suzie/Owen: Sowen/Owuzie/Cosarper/Hostello
Suzie/Gwen: Swen/Gwuzie/Coopstello/Costooper
Adam/Jack: Ajack/Jadam
Adam/Ianto: Adanto/Iadam
Adam/Tosh: Adosh(iko)/Tadam

Added Posts:
Jack/PC Andy: Jandy, PCack
Ianto/PC Andy: Iandy (Yan-dee), PCanto
Jack/Ianto/PC Andy: Jantandy, PCantack
Ianto/Janet: Ianet, Jananto
Tommy/Ianto: Tomanto, Ianommy

Jack/Myfanwy: Jackadactyl (maverick0324)
Tosh/Gwen: Twen/Gosh/Cato/Sooper
Jack/Adam/Ianto: Jantam (darketernal09)
Ten!hand/Mitten: Hitten (dakreternal09)
Tad ridiculous, right? lol. Well, if you have a pairing and it actually isn't listed above, please tell me? I'll work on a name and edit the post.

And if you've loved one of the pairing names feel free to comment and use it whenever.



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