Oct 03, 2004 22:24
I just wanted to point out two of the exagerations made (one on each side) that CNN covered. The first, is the repeated use or $200 billion in spending on Iraq- made by Kerry. CNN pointed out that the total for the war in Iraq is more like $120-130 billion- which hey- $70-80 billion is a pretty big exageration to me- not exactly a number that you can just decide to round up on- or I wish my bank would do something like that with my checking account.
The other one is Bush's claim about having 100,000 Iraqi troops fully trained and ready to go. CNN pointed out that more than half of these 100,000 that Bush speaks of have only been through 3 week basic polic training course and not the full 6 month training really needed for the military.
Thought you all might think those were interesting- I did.