Well Fuck me. (tooorrrcchhhwwooooddd!!!)

Jul 10, 2009 11:05

...This rant includes spoilers for Children Of Earth, epi 4. (Fuck my life)

Okay...WTF. You don't kill Ianto! That's like...IN THE RULES. Rule 1) Jack can't die. Rule 2) IANTO DOESN'T FUCKING DIE EITHER (unless he magically can come back too). And he better. OH HE BETTER. WHORES. Pretty sure Ianto was like...75% of the Torchwood fandom, AT LEAST. and 90% Is Jack/Ianto, which is a little hard when IANTO IS DEAD. GAAAH. Noooo....NOOOOO... NOT COOL.
Granted, the Janto death was nice, with Jack crying and holding Ianto and begging him to live and blah blah blah...but then Jack's supposed to kiss him back to life. He's done it once when Ianto's crazy robot girlfriend killed him, JACK CAN DO IT AGAIN! I BELIEVE.
FUUUUCCCKKKK...The Doctor should just take Ianto away. Seriously. He can be the next doctor's companion...
...Has the fifth epi started yet?
...Dear god, Ianto better come back.
...I hate writers of dramatic shows and their stupid cliffhangers (That's right, still bitter, Kripke!) of monumental lame and their compulsive need to kill EVERYONE AWESOME.
Also, was anyone else disappointed when they kept talking and talking about the damn doctor guy before the season aired, and HE'S dead like 30 minutes into the first episode. HE SHOULD HAVE JOINED. Or At least lasted a WHOLE EPISODE.

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