Jan 03, 2008 00:05
So here's an issue of issues: abortion. While there is a myriad of feelings, beliefs and opinions about this procedure, I think the understanding of Dr. Paul's position on this is equally muddled. As a point, I refuse, in this entry or anywhere in life, to identify people as "anti-choice" or "anti-life." Really, when you think about it, being pro-choice and pro-life have no conflicts. But when we discuss choice, we have to clarify what we are choosing about. Choosing to abort the baby/fetus/embryo/mass of cells depends on exactly what those terms in between the slashes mean to you, and to others.
"And to others" is an important part of that sentence. While you may have your beliefs about abortion, it is the right of your fellow Americans to hold completely opposite ones. Beautiful philosophy on which to found a country. But lately, and throughout the entire lifetimes of young Americans, holding a belief has come to mean nothing unless you can somehow persuade others to agree with you. It's as if just sitting there and being strong in your beliefs is not enough to be American. Wh-Wh-WHY? Because whether our parents were pro-choice or pro-life, they draped their arguments in Americanism; whether you aborted or not, either was good for America because you were either "exercising your freedom as a woman" or "bringing another American soldier into the world." Gross.
What abortion really is a question of is, where do you define life beginning? If it's at conception, you're what we call pro-life. If its after, you're pro-choice. As Americans, you're both right. But from there, you could argue until the sun burns out or God initiates the apocalypse, choose your poison, on which is correct. But, if you're truly of the mind-frame of the Founding Fathers, you have to recognize that at some point this argument is NOT GOOD for our country.
And what do our fellow countrymen hate? When someone else tells them how to live. Do not tell me that any woman in my life could not get an abortion if she so desired. In return, I will not tell you that she must.
Which is what Roe v. Wade does. It tells people of all 50 states that no matter how they want to govern themselves, they have to allow for abortion. Well, much as I like that idea, I don't like doing unto others as I would have them do unto me. If I support Roe v. Wade, then I would principally have to support:
a) all federal laws restricting stem cell research
b) all future federal laws that might restrict gay marriage
c) all affirmative action
d) federal laws that incarcerate non-violent offenders into state prisons (note: on the state's dime) even if that state has no laws against what the criminal did
e) the total illegality of marijuana
f) federal laws that might tell Michiganders we have to send our freshwater to desert golf courses in Nevada
g) a federal law that mandates all skiers wear helmets because it would reduce injuries and subsequent public health care expenditures even though all of Colorado might be opposed to it
That last one really demonstrates the power Americans will hold over each other if universal health care is passed.
Ron Paul righteously recognizes this is not the America the Founding Fathers dreamed of. We cannot fight amongst ourselves while claiming to represent the populace so arrogantly that our military and economy slips. We are a country that is so aaaaannnnnngggggrrryryyyyy at each other. WTF ever happpend to "live and let live?" Ron Paul would support a return to sanity among countrymen. Has he got his opinions about abortion? You betcha. Would he push those upon us? No. Do Hillary and Rudy, and would they? Yeah, probably.
Why do women get abortions? Either they are too young, or too under-privileged, or too poor, or too nervous, or too scared, or too...free?
Ron Paul plans to drastically reduce the cost of health care by lawfully giving doctors the final medical say. They won't need to order so many tests and surgeries when *preventative* health care, of which Paul is a fan of, is payable to you as an insurance holder, and when insurance companies can't use the opinions of their "experts" to super-cede the doctors' orders. Why the hell do yoga, eat right and exercise regularly if no one's going to cover it? A Paul presidency means insurance would be cheaper, more affordable, more plentiful, and more helpful to unwanting mothers. If they could take care of, or donate, their babies without whoring themselves out to street men (and indeed a higher risk of pregnancy), and if Americans had the free time and resources to help that stricken daughter/mother/sister/girlfriend/classmate/friend/womyn take care of that baby, the demand for abortion would obliterate itself! The true crimes of our day is how unsheltered we leave pregnant women in this country. We neglect them until they have to choose abortion, and then we chastise them for it. For shame on ALL OF US.
As a country, we need to choose someone like Paul. Pragmatism brings you to him. Sure, he's got his beliefs. But please don't let politics of the last 40-50 years dictate how you respond to them! He wants to leave. you. alone. That includes what you do and the consequences for those actions.
All the other candidates just want to judge you and treat you differently for it.
Be an American.
Be a Constitutionalist.
Vote for Ron Paul.
Even though he's a Re...a Reee....a you know.