Sep 05, 2007 22:55
This is an honest-to-God email that I received on accident, someone looking for Mike Sadowski. Perhaps it is wrong of me to post a personal e-mail for all of you to read, but it's not incriminating and hey, whoever's answering machine Senator Craig accidentally left that message on went public, so why not me?
Hi Mike,
Sorry it took so long to reply I have been really busy and I've got loads to tell you!!!
First on Friday we went to Thorpe park and on one of the rides we started at 105 miles per hour then we went up 100meters it was over in 36 sec after a hour wait!!!Then we went on the worlds first ten loop roller coaster!!!Then we went on a ride which went backwards in the dark!!!Then I went on a ride where you are just like sitting there and then you went upsidedown!!!Then on Saturday we went to my dads friends house!!!Then on Sunday I went to bowling!!!My football team won 3-0!!!Help school!!!I woke up at 2am because of a knightmare about a butterfly that was eating me!!!
From James
Do you think he's foreign or just dumb? I can hardly tell!!!