conversation between skeezer, a nineteen-year-old crank dealer, and his ex-high school librarian.

Sep 22, 2006 10:09

Skeezer: I read that book you told me about.
Librarian: Emily Dickinson?
Skeezer: NAw I red, uh, what's it called, The Great Gasby
Librarian: Fitzgerald.
Skeezer: Yeah, F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Librarian: Did you like it?
Skeezer: Yeah. it was pretty good. I like reading all that shit about the rich
Librarian: You got any crank left?
Skeezer: Yeah i got some fuckin' shit from Davey's little sister. Some decent bathtub crank
Librarian: Davey the Mexican?
Skeezer: Yeah, his sister's got some pretty good shit. In fact i've been tweekin on it for about five days an' shit
Librarian: It's good?
Skeezer: Hell yeah, it'll keep ya up an' shit. That's how i read the book The Great Gasby. I was speedin so hard an' shi the pages were just turnin and my eyes were wide fuckin' open. I prebably could've read two or three books back-to-back. You don't blink or nothin'
Librarian: I guess i'll get some.
Skeezer: Cool. cool. Maybe i'll read that Emily dickinson bitch tonight if i don't go out.
Librarian: I kinda need to hurry 'cause Ann is waiting for me with supper.
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