Title: Sweet & Wasted
AnarchicQFandom: Heroes, X-Men movieverse.
Pairing: Claire/Rogue
Rating: Mature.
Warning: Possible character death, femmslash, language, mind games.
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Any of them. Neither do you.
Summary: Post-Heroes season 2-ish, Claire Bennet is the new girl at Xavier's, and Rogue is chosen to show her around.
FFN link Livejournal linkDW link Where were you trying to go with it?: I was going to make it a dark fic wherein Rogue realizes Claire is someone she can touch and connect with, as their powers cancel each other out more or less. Rogue would suddenly become dependant and jealous.
Eventually West was going to find Claire and enroll in Xavier's school as well. Rogue's jealousy was going to go full force. She would then use her powers on West and to the point of killing him and permanently acquire his ability to fly (Like she did in the comics with Ms Marvel), as well as his feelings for Claire, which would mix with her own.
I stopped writing it because Heroes got so...silly I stopped enjoying it and no longer wished to write fic for it.
What would you like to see done with it?: Sex is good. Psychology is good. Really get into Rogue's mind, her feelings, her joy at being touched, her obsession with Claire, her spiral into insanity.
What would you not like to see done with it?: Nothing comes to mind really.
Notes when crediting: Is credit required? How would you like to be credited?: "Chapters 1-3 & original concept by
anarchicq". Unless you write it from scratch in which case, "Original concept by
anarchicq" is fine!