(no subject)

Feb 09, 2007 15:19

One of my favorite things to do is to take my laptop to a restaurant/cafe/coffee house and watch people and eavesdrop.

At the Kava House earlier a guy and a girl in their mid-20's met up for coffee. It was obvious that they had never met in person before, and were likely on an internet-"blind"-date of some sort. She was most definitely not into him. It was entertaining to watch.

And right now at Panera Bread I am listening to a duo of ditzy college girls recall their sexual histories in great detail. It's quite disgusting but it's like an audio version of a train-wreck, and I can't stop listening.

Also, the woman on the next table over has a giant purse with a picture of her child (I assume it's her child, because if it wasn't hers it would greatly increase the creepy-ness level) screen-printed larger than lifesize on the side. Why?

There's also a guy across the room pretending to read a book, but he's really listening to the college girls talk too.
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