I want to tell you everything..

Nov 29, 2006 22:36

The way she looks at me..
The way she makes me feel when she pushes her heart against mine..
The way she makes my heart race when I see your beautiful face..
There is no compare to the love I have for her..

I stay up all night thinking about her.. I'm never tired because of any other reason..
When you say "I love you" I can't breath because I remember all the times we've had..

I NEVER wanted us to be apart forever.. that was NEVER my intention..

I know that you are in love with him.. I here about it everyday.. but that wont stop me from loving you.. I don't think ANYTHING could stop me..

There is Never a day that goes by that I wish I could say I love you everyday and Every night I wish I was laying next to you so I could say goodnight..

When I said I didn't want to be together I was only saying it so I could get filled in.. don't worry I regret it Everyday of my fucking life.. All I want is you.. EVERYTHING reminds me of you.. When I see others with each other I know they will never feel as I did when I was with you.. We were free.. god damn it I miss you so much.. I miss your family.. I miss going to your house in the rain.. walking to your house in the snow just so I could be with you.. I miss walking together in the freezing cold just so we could hangout for a half hour..

I miss the summer when ever my friends asked where I was My parents always told the I was with you because nothing could take me away from you.. well almost nothing.......

There was never a day I didn't miss you when I was gone...

It's getting really hard to be like this.. you were my life..

and I will forever love you..
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