Jun 21, 2004 21:49
From the Harris Report at pollingreport.com 991 people nationwide, all over 18.
"Do you believe that Saddam Hussein was supporting the terrorist organization Al Qaeda, which attacked the United States on September 11, 2001?"
Yes %69
No %22
Unsure %9
If you are one of those people that think that the Iraqi invasion was in retaliation to the 9/11 attacks, and that Saddam funded or was even directly involved in the planning of the attacks than I am sorry to say that you are sorely mistaken. This was pretty much always known to be false and double confirmed from evidence gathered from the 9/11 commission.
Not one of the 9/11 terrorists were Iraqi. More than half of them were Saudi.
Saddam is a muslim and uses god in his public speaking when he was in power, but his government was derived from european fascism, the secular Baathist party. His government did not rule through Islamic law and that was Osama's pet peeve.
Osama and Saddam hated eachother, there is no way they would work together.
Saddam is evil and insane, but not stupid, he wanted to stay in power, so why would he so obviously threated a country he knew could wipe him out in 2 weeks?
Evil Arab Dictator does not automatically equal terrorist supporter.
I felt obligated to post this because this huge fallacy can have a massive effect on the outlook of a person. And I know too many people personally who believed or still believe this.
If the thought of an eternal war and a male/female draft scare you. If the thought of becoming a second class citizen because you are gay or non-christian or a liberal scare you. If nuclear war scares you. Then take an hour of your day and go read up on some independent news sources on the net. They come in liberal and conservative varieties, and in the middle as well. Most of them are very reliable and have good sources through associated press and reuters and the tv network news.