Dec 06, 2005 19:38
Gosh guys... I can't believe I am PERFORMING... TOMORROW!!!... This semester has passed by so fast and before we all know it.. We will be going to college (we as in juniors) ...
ANYWAY... The drama kids and AMT who are performing this weekend in front of judges have been working their asses off to go to Thespian Disctricts with a superior peice and bring home the win.. Show up tomorrow night.. at 7 PM in the Auditorium at MAINLAND... and SUPPORT US! We need an audience to practice in front of anyway.. even if you dont like us... Its something to do... and The large group musical sounds awesome ( I'm in it) and then so does small group... The one act with Shane and Kristin is supposed to be HILARIOUS!!! I expect to see you all there!!!!