pull the plug

Dec 01, 2010 21:24

may was the last time i was on here shit thats hell of long
so much crazy shit has happened i wouldn't even know where to begin, even though chronologically would probably be a smart idea, but i'm not gonna.
i will say, though, that i have not been a very good friend lately
i don't think any of my friends read this but if any do happen to come upon this: i'm sorry for dropping off the face of the planet the past 3 months or so. i miss being a good friend and having my good friends around me.
this is why relationships blow because they isolate pairs of people and thrust them off into fantasies and warped paradises.
they shirk responsibilities to be with each other
they spend all their time, that should be used productively, in bed.
oh hell, can't i find a balance?
i'm not very good at this...
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