Rapture: Part 1

May 01, 2012 11:03

Title: Rapture
Rating: R
Notes: Includes the Wonder Girls and is inspired by 2PM as pirates for Lotte Duty Free and this lovely picture of Yenny.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea.
Summary: Beauty is a wondrous thing; both elusive and robustly daring. Though catch yourself within its snare, and it will wreck your soul.

The boat tousled harshly as the crew of six docked. Sails were white and flags hidden as they came in, afloat on the rising tides. It was two days nigh of the full moon and its pull on the water could be felt with each sway the touring men took on the deck. Seas appeared to pull them away from their destination, but their determination to fill their bellies and those of the brothel inhabitants they knew perused the shore pushed them onward. They had been afloat but a month on their last venture, stockpiling their armory with captured weapons, but food and company were their next necessities. Pirating was as fair a trade as any in their opinion, as was the pillaging of the wenches that sat with full breasts and fat pockets.

The scent of dust, sweat, and rot kicked up when the first set foot on dirt, and the smell and sight of pigs satiating themselves at a nearby trough made the second feel the nostalgic, solid stench of land come flooding back into his mind. Four others followed the first deeper into town after the initial payment to clear a landing for their ship. The last, youngest and one of the largest, trailed behind reluctantly. He only wanted sustenance and rest before they were to leave. His swagger was heavy and his gaze piercing to all passers-by as the sun beat on his skin. A wrapping of cloth was worn around some of their heads to soak the sweat that would eventually pour from their scalps, but all of them bore the heat upon their unwashed skin. The second-eldest looked back and cocked his head forward, as if to push the youngest onward with his command. He was acknowledged and they trudged on in search of food.


Dusk settled in as they finished their meal: bits of salted pork from an earlier slaughtered pig, and a potato and leek soup. The soup was meager but they had their fill, especially of the pork. There was dried fruit afterwards, a rarity as not much grew in the local ports of the area. Dredges of the meal were accompanied with another local delight: ale that tasted unfamiliar, but quite savory.

With refilled mugs in hand, five of the six veered toward their final destination. The youngest trailed behind finishing his drink and choosing to retreat back to the ship.

“Take care without me!” he waved, seeing off the herd of growing drunkards that entered the brothel.

“Chansung! Join us!” the second-eldest plead.

“He’ll be fine,” another added. “He has his hand and the grease from the pig!” Another joked. He was the loudest and eldest, and caused some guffaws to emit from the rest.

Chansung brushed them off with a chuckle and waved again. He tipped his head back with the last few drops and tossed the mug aside. His steps were back toward the ship, the awaiting glow of the moon, and the oncoming night’s breezes on his sunburnt skin.


Everything appeared to slow as they were encouraged by the growing crowd to enjoy more ale. Barrels surrounded the back edge of a common room full to the brim with men chasing women or women pulling away men. A musky scent filled the air as one drunkard tumbled out of one of the rooms situated on either side of the large room. The area looked more of a holding ground than anything, the women circling their prey and the unknowing deviants falling for their baits.

One by one they were plucked and led to surrounding rooms; all except the second-eldest. A woman appeared to his vision toward the front. It was as if she appeared from nothing; a diminutive, tan beauty among the common-looking that surrounded her.

How much was she? He wondered.

Not daring to ask a price, he tipped his head carefully to pay his respect to the madam of the brothel. Though he could not turn away, wondering how or where he could have her; how long. With hair cascading in rich waves around and down her shoulders and a dress so tight that her chest burgeoned, he came up carefully. He’d thought his trek toward her would be in vain, but she looked at him with sincerity before he ever spoke. She held out a hand until he gently clasped it, letting her pull him away.


Her bodice had been ripped for the fourth time that month, and though she'd regret mending it again, the lust overtaking her felt pure. A woman of the night could accommodate many men, but he in particular filled her with a rich heat that left her shaking. She was a madam and very aware that she could deal her business with whomever she wanted, and she couldn’t have asked for anything more satisfying than whom she’d chosen that night. He didn't kiss her as he came down from his high, clutching her tone, tan body to his and breathing out heavily over her shoulder. Her tendrils of hair fell all around them, chasing the sweat that was quickly drying in the air of her boudoir.

He lifted her off him; though not before feeling her walls tighten and the smallest whimper escape parted lips. They dressed in quiet. Only the chinking of a minute bag of coins, set next to her on the bed, and the boisterous but distant laughter of drunks outside the room could be heard. They sat on opposite ends, avoiding each other's gazes as they each laced and hooked their boots.

"My name is Yubin," she stated.

It was much like the beginning of a conversation. She didn't converse with customers; any customers. All had been dismissed the moment she felt she had been pleasured, otherwise they would be dismissed. But Yubin almost felt it unfair that this one should leave so soon.

He stilled, turning enough so that she could see his profile, almost as if he had to think of answering her before he headed out himself.


He rose to leave the room, rubbing at the thighs of his pants as he felt beads of sweat rebuilding on his palms. Taecyeon took a moment to stare at her; not at the curve of her breasts or the skin of her legs, but her face. She seemed tired of so much already in her young life. Her seductive eyes looked weary, but eager for something that looked as if it were to disappear completely the moment he walked out.

"I won't be leaving tonight," he quietly replied.

The dark wrapping that previously covered his scalp was tied back on with deft fingers, and swiftly he left. The statement seemed enough of a promise that they might meet again.

Taecyeon was met again by those four drunken shipmates and attempted to shake himself from the sudden trance he was in. The eldest was singing to a crowd of people, each offering more drink as reward for each new note. The next was making good use of his tongue on two women, dipping into mouths and suckling on collarbones in ways that seemed a mismatch for his kindly face. The two younger of the crew were dancing sloppily in the middle of the floor, losing rhythm as their vast intake of alcohol began setting in. As for the youngest, Chansung, he was unseen, and Taecyeon took to the night air to find him.


Chansung heard the wind whistle across the open sea, letting its tune travel into his mind as he closed his eyes and the sway of the waves rocked him gently. He wasn't at the helm that night, nor was he on watch, but he stood out on the deck and smelled the crisp, salty air. Sails on the ship were wrapped tightly and would not be unraveled until first light.

He in particular took his nights gazing at the moon when he didn't feel the rapture of the wind, more especially on nights it glowed on his face and lit up the stars. No woman had captured his heart as that ominously beautiful specter in the sky, radiating its cool warmth upon him. She was quiet; mysterious. Quite unlike the wenches all of them had seen on their travels, she was a lady of the night that understood him without speech or action.

"I thought I would find you here," Taecyeon said, walking up a ramp onto their boat. "You should join us."

"You'll call me either way," he joked. "Probably to pull Junho in once he falls over? Or maybe Khun once he attempts to kiss you?"

Taecyeon laughed because he already knew.



Taecyeon and Chansung looked around at the night sky, the latter's look unwavering until Taecyeon came to pat his back.

"I should be more like you," Taecyeon huffed. "You are an older man than I...falling in love with all things quiet. …I should settle myself."

"You will enjoy the quiet one day."

Taecyeon gazed back at the sky, trying to see what Chansung saw. It was a sky and there were stars, but he wondered if he could embrace something so deeply as his young mate.

"Maybe I will Chansung, maybe. ...come. Join us for a little while. At least have a drink."

Taecyeon grabbed at the shoulder of the youngest, hoping that it would give him enough initiative to move. Chansung smiled back and accompanied his friend back toward solid land and loosened inhibitions. They didn't trek far for half of their party were divesting themselves of clothing or the contents of their stomachs as they rushed around the seedy dimness of the brothel's entrance.


By morning, all were back on the ship, most resting from the previous night’s follies. Chansung dared not wake them for fear of being attacked by an angry shipmate. To save face he ignored their distance, allowing them to spend the next few days absent; say they are returning to the brothel or staying below to nurse sickness. It was an unfamiliar quiet, even more so with the second-eldest nearly untraceable during that time.


Taecyeon was back in the brothel though far from alone. At that point it was nearly the lunch hour, yet he felt no hunger to eat. Since his first taste of her, he longed for her company each waking moment or the need to pleasure her in each private moment.

Her legs stretched around him and sealed him inside of her as he moved. It was more ravenous than the short length of lovemaking from their last time. A sleeve of his shirt had been ripped, held too tightly at the seam when he’d angled particularly hard. Yubin’s bodice lay unraveled on her bed, shifting with their movement until it had fallen off. Her upper body was unclothed and the only layer of garment she had on was a skirt that had sat under a swiftly removed dress. It billowed underneath her and folded over where their bodies met; hiding the movement of his turgid shaft into her swollen and rapidly wetting vagina. She held his face in her hands as he held himself up with strong arms on either side of her. Yubin’s fingers sat in the hollows of his cheeks before they pushed back the fallen strands from Taecyeon’s handsome face. An intense stare was held between them in the ever-growing heat, and his face tightened as he finally buried himself in her. With that final release, his head fell onto her shoulder and small hands cradled him again.

“I cannot pay you,” he whispered apologetically.

Yubin smiled, knowing well of the fact that she had invited him back. She pet his back, then his head gently before he pulled from her. Taecyeon lay next to her and caught his breath, clothing moistened from sweat as her breasts touched the air.

“Take me with you,” she said.

It was a stated plea, though Taecyeon could hear no begging in her voice. A command more likely, he thought; though in that moment he wondered if he could do much else but acquiesce. Taecyeon wondered what had overtaken him, but he also wondered if this was the enamored feeling that Chansung felt when he felt the sea air enter his lungs. It was unexplainable. Who was he to not let it happen?

“As my price, take me on the sea…with you,” she added. ”…if it makes you unwary, know that none of them have had me.”

With that, she laid a leg across him and sat herself up, readying for another round of sex.

“…and none of them will.”

Who were they to not let it happen? Yubin had an answer as silence settled and hips began to thrust again.


By evening she walked steadily behind him, reaching the ramp and boarding just as they were to cast off. All but one of the crew paid no heed. Chansung had been below, preparing for their next fare on the sea and had not heard of the newest arrival on board. The anchor was being raised as the shipmates paid her a kind heed, but Chansung suddenly heard an odd bumping sound on the side of the boat. He scrambled past the den of bunks to the stair, and then up to the deck. Upon his arrival to investigate the sound, he was greeted with the peculiar site of the brazenly-dressed stowaway.

He’d have things to discuss with Taecyeon about the matter later, but the distraction of her presence and the rest of the crew’s compliancy made him forget what he had rushed to see. A pirate didn’t take a wife, let alone a woman. To Chansung, they were married to the sea and all temptations that halted a trek toward an honorable death on the water held no meaning to him; at least as honorable as he could be as a bandit.

Yubin left Taecyeon’s presence and took to the promenade opposite Chansung’s formidable glare and walk. She smiled seductively, tilting her head kindly to gesture hello before leading herself off. Chansung came in a hurry, wanting to end her stay on board as quickly as it began.


“Based on how you’ve approached me, I already know what issue you have-“

“But Taecyeon…a woman! On board! Surely you know the men we have. …what of her safety?”

“She will be fine,” he assuaged.

Chansung was beyond flustered, tightening his jaw and pleading austerely. “Captain.” He pressed.

“You’re excused.” Taecyeon responded.

He spoke back harshly ending the conversation. The youngest shipmate had no choice but to obey a direct order, and went back down to check the stocks in the galley. Had he remained on board, maybe looked over to see what had become of the noise now drowned out with their venture into open water, he would have seen the bodies of two men floating by the dock.

pairing: 2pm/wonder girls, genre: supernatural, focus: chansung, length: chaptered, story: rapture, rating: r, focus: taecyeon

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