Mar 10, 2007 02:36
They make things for growin' tomatoes that hang upside-down from the ceiling, so you don't have ta stake your tomatoes! You just put 'em inside, and they grow vines down, and that keeps 'em from tanglin' and rottin' and everything.
Anyway, I'm startin' my tomatoes this week, 'cause it's warm enough and it's time to get ready. I been fastin' on Fridays and all, and thinkin' about Easter a lot. We didn't fast before. She didn't think we should do that, since we didn't have a whole lot to eat and it wasn't really good lettin' it go to waste. Stuff keeps better now, stuff I grow. I remember havin' bread for Easter, though, 'cause we didn't have any sugar or anything for hot cross buns, so we had to have just plain bread, only it was okay, it was real nice. We didn't really do it proper, I guess. She didn't like it. But I went and prayed in the woods, and she didn't mind me goin' off, and then we stayed up talkin' half the night, even though there was lots to do and we shoulda been sleepin'.
I miss havin' Easter with her, but now I got Heli and everybody else. So that's okay. And I got lots to do now, so I'll stop thinkin' about it and mopin' around and all. And maybe I can make one of those tomato things. Haynes is gonna help. And maybe Lucan'll make hot cross buns this year, I gotta ask him. We could have Cimorene over and all.
There's lots to be glad for.