May 27, 2004 19:15
About a year ago I was standing in line at the grocery store, and the person in front of me turned around and started talking to me. And it was obvious that she knew me, because she asked about my family and mentioned a bunch of people I knew. So I stood there, making vague conversation, the whole time thinking, "Who in hell is this girl?" Before she left, the Mystery Chick said, "Call me sometime! We'll totally get together!" I agreed to call, despite the fact that her pep level was making my stomach churn. I still had no idea who she was, but I just felt that it would be rude to say, "Sure, we'll get together. Uh, by the way, who are you?" About two hours later I stopped and went, "Hey! That was Julia!" Julia was one of my best friends growing up. And I still cannot for the life of me remember her last name.
Today I was standing in line at the bank, and the person behind me tapped me on the shoulder. As soon as I turned around, he started yammering on and on about high school. He made a few references about mutual acquaintances and mentioned the Support Cannibalism badge I once had pinned on my backpack. And, honest to Jeebus, the following conversation ensued:
Him: So, are you still... weird?
Me: Excuse me?
Him: No, you know. You were always, like, weird.
Me: Oh. Okay. Um... I don't really know. Weird how?
Him: You were just... strange. You know. Strange. Weird.
Me: Yeah. That wasn't too very helpful. You know. Like, useful. Helpful.
Him: No, like when you did all that stuff.
Me: Oh! All that weird stuff, you mean?
Him: Yes!
Me: Sure. Okay then.
Him: Cool. We all thought you'd be like... by now.
Me: Who?
Him: Like, everyone.
Me: Right. Anyway. Tell everyone I said "Hello."
Okay, so... One: Who was this guy? Six feet tall, thin but muscular, green eyes, close-cut brown hair, crooked nose. Anybody have an idea? Two: What exactly am I supposed to be by now? Dead? Wealthy? In jail? Seriously. You can't just leave out the most important part of the sentence. And, finally, Three: Who is this Everyone? If you happen to be Everyone, please let me know what in hell is going on. I don't need to have an aneurysm worrying over what you thought I'd be by now...
Argh. I either need to grow a memory or move to where nobody knows me. Then again, maybe Nobody has my life all planned out for me, too. I give up. Odds, bobs, hammer and tongs.