I have to explain this entry so people don't think I've lost it. A bit of background: I was online doing research for a paper. Amy stopped by because Mia had kicked her out of the gallery for being annoying. As soon as she saw me, Amy asked, "Why do people say barefoot? I mean, we're not, like, bears, you know?" So I typed the word nimrod into the search engine. And it came back with a strange link.
Apparently there's a biblical character with the name Nimrod. I'm not a Christian, so my Bible Knowledge is practically nonexistent. All I know about the Bible I learned from various entertainment sources. Seriously. Ruth's "Wither thou goest..." speech? Fried Green Tomatoes. Joseph and his brothers? Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. There's also a book my grandparents gave me on my second birthday. Great Bible Stories for Children. It claims to be "beautifully illustrated." It gave me nightmares for years. There are pictures of a psycho wielding a knife over a kid who's tied to a stone table, a river of blood, a shipwreck, lepers, a guy holding a bloody whip, and a crucifixion. Just to name a few. I'm not sure that's suitable reading material for a child, but what do I know? Heck, this is America, where the Baptists know Best! I wish I was Canadian.
Anyway. Here's what I'm wondering... Jesus is supposed to come back, right? The Rapture? (I'm working off a bumper sticker here, people. Work with me.) The strange Nimrod website claims that when the Rapture occurs, a massive earthquake will level mountains and move islands. (It also says in a different area that there will be no sign that the Rapture is coming. Double-speak, yes, but still...) An earthquake of that magnitude would probably cause a power outage for a good long time, right? So help me here...
From the Strange and Frightening Nimrod Site
If you are reading this, it may mean that recently an unusual event has taken place.
Have millions of people from all over the world simply vanished without a trace ... maybe some from your own family? children? friends? neighbors? co-workers?
If this has happened, you may be feeling frightened and alone. You may be mourning for those you have lost. You are probably looking for answers! The problem is ... the "answers" that you will be receiving in the days ahead through the world leaders and the media will be Lies!
Warning! In Case of Disappearance!)
The fuh? Call me crazy, but who's going to survive a worldwide earthquake? And even if there are some people with cockroach-like survival skills, are they really going to be able to access this webpage? I am so confused. Luckily, I don't really care. I give up.
Fraggles are Love!