I like the bells in Staunton. The church bells let me know I'm late for class and the train going by just makes me smile. I am hanging out in the library today after stock-piling breakfast fruit for my baby. I really need my school books to come in.
Good news today: My bank account has 35 dollars in it. Now I have to call the rep to get those overdraft fees taken off, hopefully that will be about $90. I have 7 dollars left from my 100 dollar paycheck on Wednesday. No bills....still haven't paid adelphia for cable or dominion's electric from the 11th. Somehow we'll come up with the money for it.
I wanted to stay in bed and kiss her today.
I miss louie. We had to give him to Jereme. I wonder if lil c and louie got along if we would be able to keep him again....do you think its insane to ask for visitation rights? Who would actually do that? Doesn't that interfere with the creation of bonds with the new family? Don't I want to interfere with the creation of bonds with the new family? He's my baby. Seeing the poster with his picture on it made me want to cry..I think I did cry. Laying in bed yesterday it hit me like a punch in the stomach, while lil c lay on my stomach half asleep. Our other cat wants to leave all the time now that lil c is there...I love her to death but she seems to be kicking all my animals out. Our cat. Our dog. Our stray. Our home...our torn up home. Visit me and you'll see why he had to go and why it breaks my heart. He was just starting to learn so well....maybe he would have learned to never do it again. lil c would keep him in line...or sabotage him.
I'm visiting today. Hopefully I don't have to work tonight. He tore up J's place, he was so unhappy. Class is starting soon. Been playing too long.
I love you wife. I'm sorry I've been preoccupied.