Jul 05, 2005 07:38
Well I am back at work after my long weekend full of puppy dog-ness. I went shopping and finally got some new flip flops so i can throw away those purple poka dot ones that i've had since eigth grade when my sister was in her freshman year of college. I also got to test drive the car i'm getting and am happy. It should be coming in either today or tomorrow. I'm very excited.
All this weekend my knees have been hurting and when I put on my heels to go to work this morning, i found the source.
My haircut that I got this weekend looks really cute, but lets see what it looks like after its not blow dried straight..that is the true test of a haircut.
Okay..I think I'm done. I told Linda that my last day is Wednesday so she's going to talk to Ed to get my to stay. Cross your fingers on the extra money.