Jan 09, 2006 14:37
Craig seems to have forgotten what it is like for me to actually get up AFTER him because when he got up at 5:45am this morning, he didn't even think that I had 40 more blissful moments of sleep coming to me, and decided that he would leave our bedroom door open.
And then take a shower and make breakfast and open and shut drawers over and over again trying to find something to wear.
When I have to get up at 5:15am (for a 7am start. yes I'm crazy) I make sure that all my clothes for the day, and any beauty products I need to look presentable at 6:30 in the morning (which is when I leave my house) are all helpfully located in the lounge. So that when my alarm goes off and I've talked myself upright, I can sneak out of the bedroom and shut the door so as to not wake the boy.
At approximately 5:55am I realised that he wasn't going to shut the door 'in a minute' (I have suchy faith in the boy) so I growled (dead sleep voice you see) out "Do you realise that I don't have to get up until 6:30?" to which he replied "oh sorry baby" and made his way out our bedroom door
of course I was at that annoying stage of asleep enough that I do NOT want to move (let alone speak or bitch, or close doors) but awake enough that more noise wakes me further.
So I lay there and half-slept until 6:30 when I finally roused myself and pouted at Craig.
Tomorrow I'm getting up at 5:15am again.
I bet he didn't think about that this morning.
at least i make myself laugh,