Sep 12, 2005 18:29
Okay. I'm meant to be working on my English assignment that's due on Friday, but HAWLD UP, girlfriend got some stuff to get off har chest!
This journal entry, rather than a reflection of the sometimes beautiful, sometimes painful experience that an individual may wish to call life is, alas, not anything of the sort. Rather, it is directed at Macquarie University Library.
Seriously. Last week, I thought I'd be a studious and resourceful kid and go to the library and borrow some fabulous materials to help me with my Media assignment which, let me say, is due on OCTOBER 4th. YES. I'm actually *preparing* for an assignment for once.
Anyway, so last week, Macquarie University Library sends me a library recall notice, because they need two of their books back for "another patron". Yes. Patron. Apparrently, the students who use Macquarie University Library don't have names, as they're NOT GOOD ENOUGH. So, that got me infuriated, because I so needed these books and I won't have a chance to look at them before September 16th (they're due tomorrow). Kay? Kay.
Today, the fuckers send me another notice requesting FOUR MORE BOOKS BACK! I mean, I know I agreed to have them out for two weeks, but I mean, like, you know... Cut me some slack, guys? I want to hog these books! Oh, those fuckers! Those FUCKERS! I'm so pissed off right now!
And, just so you know, Mr or Miss or Mrs or Ms or Dr University or whatever the fuck you like to be called, I'm not emotionally equipped to deal with such a notice at the moment! Kay? Kay?
It's been a shitty week, and stuff's been making me angry. In the relationship department, things are screwed. In the University department, things are screwed. In the feeling optimistic about the well being of myself and the world, things are totally screwed. I'd really like for all to be fabulous right now, but it's not.
I watched one of my favourite episodes of "Sex" this morning before I went to work, and that cheered me up. It's in Season Six, and it's called "The Catch". It's when Charlotte and Harry get married, and the whole wedding is a complete mess; Carrie also dates one of Harry's friends from out of town who "makes love" to her (cut to this guy screwing Carrie like a jackhammer), and this makes for some interesting discussion between the girls. It has a very schmaltzy finale, and uses this incredibly cheesy double entendre about "safety nets" and falling, complete with a Michelle Branch song playing over the sequence as Carrie's jumping from one of those "leap of faith" swing things. but I just love it.
Sorry that this entry was so angry and terrible. I've just been feeling like crap lately, and I really need to be cheered up. I think this will happen when I hand in my assignment. Saturday night will be fabulous, and I'm really looking forward to getting out.
This is me signing off.