long time no see

Feb 02, 2006 21:56

It's been a long time since i wrote on these pages, tonight i am only going to post some of the "poetry" and other writings that i have written in the past few months. These are posted in no particular order.


Paper-thin beauty,
Hides what lies beneath.
Every interaction
Wearing it away.
Till all will be revealed,
Stripped of the veneer,
Ugly to the core.
Where are your lies,
Your carefully crafted life.
Exposed now the rotting core,
Festering repressed life that could have been.
For love built on a veneer,
Failure is always near.



Silken wings in the silent night,
Often naught but a whisper heard,
Teasing caress as twilight falls.

Welcomed embrace strong as steel
To carry beyond the daylight realm
Into the murky depths of night


Human idiocy

Having drug ourselves from the depths of our own personal hells, why do we turn face it and willingly let ourselves slide right back into them. Children learn in but a couple tries that they shouldnt touch fire but we adults will stand in the middle of it and wonder why it burns. We damn near kill ourselves escaping the hells that we have encountered, scratching our way free bleeding from the quick only to turn and slide right back into our hell. We know what got us there and are glad to do it all over again. Most of us are even arrogant enough to try to tell others not to enter their own hells as we slide past them on our way to our own. How hypocritical the human mind. It is my experience that it is those who claim to want to be away from their own hells the loudest that are sliding towards them the fastest. We stand surrounded by our own failure, reveling in the fact that we were right, we couldnt help it. Well no you cant help it if you have no intentions of changing your pattern. Oh how we cry and whine to everyone how we want out of the vicious cycle yet we keep on round and round.


Walking Dead

Through the days you move
Claiming goals and purpose
Never noticing that it’s a lie
Lying to yourself about your aims
Some they flirt with death
You only catch a hint of life
Your goals are hollow, unfelt
Yours is not a life at all
You claim to want the lofty things
Yet settle for less than decent
Preaching to the masses
While you stand soulless
Walk without aim
Only to arrive where you have already been.


Why cant I see the real you
I only see who you could be
Deep inside you shine
And that is why i am blind

This blindness to the real you
It keeps me here hoping
Lets me think you arent
Exactly what you hate

In the mirror what do you see
Is it the real you
Or do you blind you too
And see what you know you could be



Swooping in on leathery wing
whose shadow blocks the sun,
this vile beast does come
to feed on our self worth
dooming us to do again
the things we should have never done.



I am just a snowflake in a rain storm, i don't fit in and therein lies my beauty.



Anger, like a sleeping dragon lies

fed on life's dissappointments

breathing fire within

searing rational thought



I don't want to be needed,

I need to be wanted.

I won't lie to be liked,

so don't lie to be liked by me.

I have amazing depth,

if you are not afraid to take the plunge.

I can talk for hours,

if only you can respond.

I am happy with just a book,

curled next to one i love.

I can curl up at home,

or announce my love to Rome.

I like to go for a ride,

or just to walk around.

I can sit quietly in a park,

or in a museum I may be found.

I care not what others think,

they never cared for me.

I can go out to eat,

or don an apron here.


A Truly small world

I see my mind it grows
Beyond the bounds this world tries to impose.


living actions

A life unlived is like a hole undug, a song unsung, or a book unwritten, noone even knows it exists. The life, the hole, the song, and the book may be very real in the mind of the one who wishes they were but until actions take place they are but static in the synapses.


What you have, what you lost

What you have lies hidden
Broken, underappreciated, useless
In the shadow of what you lost.
What you have could grow
If only the lost could be let go.
What you have is strong
But against what is lost how long.
What is lost is lost
And what you have is here at any cost.


taken for granted

Taken for granted
Used when needed
Put aside
Like a crutch
Brought out for support
Get you through then
Needed not for now
Left unnoticed until next time
What about the time
That the crutch is gone
Will it still be
Taken for granted

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