Jun 24, 2004 20:27
Got to work late this morning dispite the best efforts of my cuddlemuffin, and some much needed coffee; it was almost no use as I struggled to rouse myself from desperately needed sleep. 30 minutes late, and a few words with my "coach", because apperantly the word coach is infinately less intimidating than the more proffessional sounding supervisor. Althogh I like participating in sports, I'm a firm believer that it's anologies sound childish when applied outside of their own arena. As I yawned through the day it occured to me that my day off tomorrow couldn't arrive sooner. Not that I'm going to sleep in or anything (well at least a bit), but it's going to be a full day, with lots of things to be done during regular business hours. Can hardly wait, but the rain and some much needed quiet time for now.