First Entry...

Jun 14, 2002 23:50

Choices - from Sinope's LJ...
(selected from a Hillel activity...don't just answer them, discuss why you answered them)

Would you rather find true love or $1,000,000?
True love...because it lasts longer.

Would you rather have to always say everything on your mind, or never speak again?
Always say everything on my mind. Because if I never spoke again, I would end up committing suicide.

Would you rather be gossiped about or never talked about at all?
Gossiped about and for the very same reason....

Would you rather have x-ray vision or bionic hearing?
I already have extraordinary hearing in my left ear, but I suppose I would rather have Bionic Hearing so as to further enhance what I already have.

Would you rather be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?
Hear any conversation, because I do say things I wish I could take backj but not often.

Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
Hatred. Hatred is the reason many ARE hungry plus many other worldly atrocities.

Would you rather give up movies or music?
Movies. I could not live without music.

Would you rather be stranded on a desert island alone or with someone you don't like?
With someone I don't like, because I am able to befriend even people who claim to have hate me sometimes.

Would you rather always lose or never play?
Always lose. If you never play, it's worse than losing because you haven't even tried.

Would you rather be forced to lie to your best friend or tell the truth to your parents?
Either one of these would make me want to hurt myself..... I guess tell the truth to my parents. Because I don't think I could ever live with myself if I ever lied to a friend, particularly my best friend.

Would you rather know it all or have it all?
I would rather know it all, because knowledge is all you need. Possessions are nothing compared to what you can carry around inside of you.

Would you rather get first dibs or the last laugh?
*shrugs and feels stupid*
I do not understand this one...

Would you rather give bad advice or take it?
I would rather take bad advice. I would feel horrible if I gave bad advice...

Would you rather be the sandcastle or the wave?
The sandcastle. I am a pacifist and would have great moral problems with destroying ANYTHING. Whereas, I often feel like the sandcastle being destroyed by the wave and can very easily relate.

Would you rather overthrow a dictatorship or lead one?
I would rather lead one, because I doubt I would ever be voted into office. But, I would be a "nice" dictator.

Would you rather forget who you are or forget who everyone else is?
I've done both a few times before. I don't know who I am right now. I would rather forget who I is more confusing when you don't know your surroundings then when you don't know yourself.

Would you rather write the worst book in history or record the worst song?
I would rather write the worst book, because it can always be burned. :-P

Would you rather give up your computer or your pet?
My computer. Living beings always come before machines...
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