║♥║Halloween Night║♥║

Nov 08, 2004 07:13

Im finally getting over my sickness and toothaches. I have been so busy with work and school and i forgot how much fun it is to drink with my friends.

I wasnt even sure if i was gonna go out that weekend for halloween because my plans on going to santa barbra were cancelled and then i really didnt have an outfit to go party in. Well anyhoo, lauryn made me come out and play with everyone and i had such a blast. Thanks man. We first went over to Jareds to drink a little but. It was no party but hey, we took advantage of it. I ended up being the Tequila Man from Tijuana :) I had a sombero a mexican pattern blanket, tequila with the worm, and a FOG HORN!!! did i put some good use into that thing or WHAT!!! lol.

Basically the night consisted of me, michelle laruyn and tot
-Prank Call to "DD"....This is your future wife
-Sweet Cheeks
-Stonned on couch pix
-brandons joe dirt hair
-stealin cd's
-turning to the cops "I DONT GIVE A FUCK"
-pee on the sidewalk
-mac and cheese
-"what are you suppose to be"
"a mexican"
"that aint cute"
"neither are you"

and the list goes on...i really cant remember much i mean come on its almost been 2 weeks

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