Title: Seven Days.
kingzgurl Rating: PG
Word Count: 185
all_unwritten prompt the four hundred eighteenth: “The day I stopped believing”
The day I stopped believing in God was just a normal day. There was no brilliant revelation or epiphany, just life.
The day I stopped believing in family was the day I grew up. There was no celebration or excitement, just cold realization.
The day I stopped believing in other people was the day I realized that they weren’t worth it. There was no singular betrayal, just the accumulation of years.
The day I stopped believing in childhood fantasies was the day I began to rationalize everything. There was no more fiery imagination, just quiet calculations.
The day I stopped believing peace was a possibility was the day I lost my purpose in life. There was no longer the chance of making the world a better place, just my own insignificance.
The day I stopped believing in love was devastating. There was no one to come home to, just the cold sheets of a single bed.
The day I stopped believing in myself was the day I died. There was no reason to left to live.