The worst of it is over...

Dec 15, 2008 17:11

So today I presented my boards for visual development. I did not sleep last night. It was a ton of fun. (not) Honestly, I really did enjoy putting the whole thing together, but...I just wasn't anticipating how much time it really was going to take. It was insane. My room is trashed now, but I believe I've turned in some pretty quality work. I mean, it's clearly not perfect, but I think I can safely put myself among the better projects turned in for class.

The only disappointment is the fact that it all ended so...quickly. Like, our teacher told us that we needed to put the title of our theme in one corner, and then our name and student ID in another corner, and I guess in my brain that translated to a need to keep things separated meaning that he was likely going to collect them for further perusal. Well...that didn't happen. We all brought in our art stuff posted on boards, we put the boards up around the room, we presented our boards and sort of talked about them...and then class was over. It was really anticlimactic. It like, I just spent the past week of my life stressing and slaving over this stuff and in the was done in about an hour and some change. Oh well. I guess that's what the industry is really going to be like, right? Slave away at something that someone may only look at for a few seconds.

I'll be posting my finished character designs over at my dA. I'm really quite proud of them, especially in comparison to the first run they went through. I mean, I look at my earlier stuff and...I'm just floored. I distinctly remember thinking that I had done quality work with them all on the first try. I did a second run of them and thought those were pretty good too. But looking back, it's SOOOO obvious that I was but a fledgling. I'm still a fledgling, but man...the improvement is evident.

life, art, grad school

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