Dec 02, 2008 17:06

So here's how this is going to go, I shall inform you of all the things that you should be informed of and then proceed to, temporarily, remove myself from the universe. Y'all ready for this?

Was AWESOME! XD I got to see BOTH of my brother! for like...several the SAME TIME! Such things haven't happened since I was still in HS it seems like. I'm sure that's not accurate but still. Anyway, saw my bros and my sister in law who I haven't seen since I went to Japan. Saw my little niece, and my cousins and Aunties and Uncle and yeah...pretty much the whole fam! Except for Daddy...but that's nothing new.

We then went to Las Vegas, we being Mommy and me, and that too was a lot of fun. We didn't even really do anything. Just hung out, talked, spent time together. And then the day after we got there, my aunt and grandma arrived and we watched speed racer together! It was SO cool. That movie is so amazing, and no one ever believes me when I say that. *tears* But was great. I love spending time with my fam, because we never get to. That's also why I love the holiday season. I's so great to see everyone together, y'know? If I didn't get a single present for Christmas, I'd be fine, as long as I got to be with the ones I love ^________^

I am sadly underwhelmed. While it was really cool to see the Production art for Madagascar 2 and one of their other upcoming movies, I learned on the tour that this is actually PDI Dreamworks which apparently has little to do with the other Dreamworks anymore. That is to say that once upon a time when Dreamworks was created as a 2D animation studio and then decided to try a 3D production, PDI was hired to do the techy stuff with them, leading to an eventual partnership, leading to a full merger. But now Dreamworks is in SoCal and PDI works pretty much as a separate entity pumping out 3D movies...most of which I...don't enjoy.

It was really sad. Of my class, there was only one person who had seen Madagascar 2 when the guy asked about it. Plus, I was hoping to ask about 2D features in the future, but that was pretty much immediately shot down when he told us that DPI was nothing but 3D. Can be say super-boo? And then, this was supposed to be a VisDev tour, but all the guy talked about was many people worked at the facility, and the various steps in 3D compositing, and the various tasks that the various animators participated in. All of which was probably really great for the 3D animation kids in my class...Me, I was like, can I go look at that painting over there, I really want to study the composition and color pallet...but I thought it would be rude, so I let the guy keep talking...

When we got to the VisDev Dept. tho...that was cool. The paintings are AWESOME! SO cool. I just wish we could have spent the whole tour in there looking at stuff and asking questions and stuff like that. The VisDev kids definitely made themselves known at that point, because the whole tour, everyone was silent, and then all of a sudden there were questions and talking and...oh it was great. Overall, I'd have to give the tour a 'meh'... I'm glad we went, but my expectations were way high for what we got. At least I got to see the Shrek Oscar. That's something, right?

So...We have roughly 3 weeks left and...that means certain death. It is...very certain actually that I will...suffer...suffer a lot over the next three weeks. Want to hear something fabulous. My teacher yesterday after we got back from the tour was like, Ok, so I want you to do for next class a completed second painting. Ok, fine, right? No. What is not seen in that seemingly harmless sentence is the fact that the previous homework was to do thumbnails. That is to say, very small, very rough ideas of what we want the next layout to look like. From that we're supposed to make a drawing which should take at least--I repeat, at LEAST 10 hours. Then we are supposed to do 3 color studies in thumbnail size, taking about an hour a piece, and then from that, we are supposed to start the final painting...and that should take no less that 25 hrs. I spent about 30 on my last one...

So...assuming I would actually follow all of the steps, we're looking at like...40 hours of hw. 40 HOURS!!!! AND THAT'S NOT INCLUDING THE HW THAT I HAVE FOR MY OTHER CLASSES!!! DDDX But I'm not stressing...I'll figure it out. I just hope everyone will understand that I will be fairly silent on the interweb for the next 2 or so weeks. Which leads to my next topic...

So, I got my copy of Re: Chain of Memories (am I the only one who actually says "Re" instead of "R-E") from GameStop today. I am all kinds of happy to have it. It comes with postcards! XD Unfortunately, due to my removal from the universe at large, I will not have time to play it until...maybe Winter break? I sigh... oh well, at least I have the pretty pretty cover art to keep me satisfied?

And it's funny that this should happen now. It's like...three years after I got into the game and finally the obsession is beginning the wain a bit. (I'm down to only making like...3 KH associations per day instead of the constant KH on the brain...this might be a good thing...) But just in time, hey look! New KH for me to play! What questions will this one raise? What new understandings will I gain for these characters? Guess I'll have to wait until school is out to find out, huh? Oh well.

Anyway, there is my report! Now, I must go get food!

life, school, happies, kh

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