's been a while...

Oct 09, 2008 22:03

well, a while since I've done a mini writing rant thing. This is sort of a growing pain, I guess--because lord knows I had some issues with this type of thing when I first started writing--but it's really irritating when writers go overboard with the vocab. It's like, as you're reading, it almost feels like the person was sitting with a thesaurus, picking substitute words and then using them even though they didn't really know how to use the word. In case you couldn't guess, I'm trying to read a fic that is doing this right now. It's frustrating because the premise of the fic is decent(what can I say, I'm a sucker for the HS AU). It feels like the ideas are there, but the writing is's like the person is trying WAY too hard to sound like a mature writing and, in doing so, is just really underscoring the fact that they are not...

But then of course, who am I to judge? I'm sure someone out there likes the style. Still, "charismatic eccentricities" instead of "quirks"? "Optics" instead of "eyes"? Maybe it's just me, but it seems like it would be easier to connect with your audience if you just called things what they were.

< /rant >

rant, fanfiction, writing

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