Job interview

Aug 08, 2008 13:26

by phone...twas fun. so basically, the job I'm looking at now would basically be me building a student body government on at AAU. At present, they have nothing, and they are hiring a grad student to basically be in charge of starting one up. This could be me. 20 hours a week room and board and a $300 per semester least I think it was per semester...

Either way, I'm more than capable of the job. There's just that whole fun thing where once again I would be in charge of getting something set up for the sake of future generations. All the work and few of the spoils would fall to's somehow simultaneously exciting and disgusting. I would totally need to find another job too I think. Sigh...

In other news(because I always have other news) I just got a new phone! I'm quite excited about it. It is a blackberry pearl and it's pretty nifty. Takes some getting used to, esp after my Japanese phone, but I think I'll manage it somehow. Anyone who wants my number or phone email, please ask and ye shall receive...probably...


life, grad school, work

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