Someone just...

Jun 03, 2008 20:26


Damn it...since my discovery of my little tonsil stone issue, my ENT has been giving me nothing but grief. I'll get maybe a week of relief, and then back to the itching irritation and inflamed everything. I'm sick again, and I blame my tonsils, because that's where it usually starts now...well, when it's not starting in my lungs anyway. It's like...practically perpetual illness! ;o;

So, I have a robin that is...late? I'm not sure. The date say 6/4 but the day says monday...and I'm the one who put it in...Oh well. I just decided it's due wednesday and so...not late. not that anyone cares anyway ;__; OH MY LITTLE GROUP OF WRITERS! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME! srsly...I'll give it 'til the end of the month and then...I don't know...send Artoo to find Obi-wan or something...

I've also plotted out next chap of blitz...and i don't think it's going to end very nicely. um...i said i would so for those who care:

cliffhanger alert ^^;

and sheesh...I need new icons again. I really should just make my own, but I'm so lazy. I don't want to just crop images, but I'm too lazy to make them pretty ;__; *is lame*

writing, lotb, i lose, robins, illness

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