A break from the stress

Apr 10, 2008 13:41

SoP sucks...

I got this really awesome review for this story that I never expect people to read because it's really random. (Psycho!Aerith, Sickly!Sora, and a healthy dose of RiSo for flavor!)I like all of my plots, but they tend to go unnoticed, so when I got this page long review from someone talking about how much they enjoyed what I've written so far, it totally got me wanting to write for that fic again...not that I wasn't planning to anyway, but...SoP...you know how it goes...

Argh, I find myself wanting to write lots lately, but not for any of the stuff that I want to update. I've got mad concepts going for this story that I'm not even ready to start posting yet, ideas brewing for a new Taito I wanna do, concepts trying to peak at me from Saiyuki, not to mention the stuff I wanna write for my robins comm...yet here's Blitz ch. 11 waiting to get finished, and Unseen Eyes, leaving everyone hanging...and then I'm struggling with my statement of purpose for art school...

I mean seriously, if one were to look at my lj, they'd think that I'm trying to be a writer or something. Why is that? Hmm...y'know, I think I just figured it out. I haven't been on LJ for all that long, relatively speaking (got the account in late '06, only been regularly updating since like, early last year) and the only reason that I got more involved is because I found people who I wanted to get to know better, most of whom are writers from ffn. So then that makes sense doesn't it? If I know that most of my friends here are writers, then I'm gonna write mostly about writing.

I've got dA too, but for some reason, it's more difficult to connect with people there. The main reason I joined that community is because I wanted to be able to share pics with beckychan who is one of my best friends, and while I've met cool people there and admire a lot of their art, the place is just huge! It's so impossible to get to know anyone unless you know them already. Most of the few ppl I communicate with regularly on dA...LJ friends I met at ffn.

So...I have no clue why I felt the need to write that but I did. Now I'm gonna get back to trying to stay chill as everyone tells me how much work I need to do on my SoP. I'll be cool tho. It's not the end of the world if I don't get into grad school and I'm fortunate to be able to say that I have a lot of options beyond going for a higher degree. If nothing else, I can try for a second bachelors and get the experience I need to be accepted into a grad program or something. Staying positive, but I never go into a situation without a few contingency plans.

streeeeess, fanfiction, writing, grad school, your mom

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