Gen Update

Jan 29, 2008 16:30

Dude, I updated Blitz this morning only to find I had a small error. rather than reload the whole doc, I opted to fix it in edit mode on For a couple of hours, most of the chap was in italics because decided that 'Icough' is an italics tag...w.t.f. Well...I got a lot of reviews, even if most of them were just to tell me that I had a formating problem ;__;

I'm generally in heavy like with this chapter. It was a pain to get out, but the more I think about it, the more pleased I am with it. I actually wanted to go back and read parts of it just because.

In other news, it's still snowing, I'm a massively happy dork because people are adding to the story I started at the khrr comm, and I sound less and less like I'm dying by the day. Still can't speak very loudly, tho. Stupid tonsils!

I learned how to make custom mood themes the other day, too. Is it bad that I'm contemplating the creation of chibi kh mood theme thingys? The mark of the truly obsessed...

...or person with no life...

fanfiction, life, lotb, robins, illness, kh

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